
































内容简介:脚踏黄河两岸锏打九州三十六府一百单八县雄镇神州半边天神拳太保,盖世无双,纵横诸天,唯我逍遥。各位书友要是觉得《纵横诸天小门神》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0 -96129 >>

他是衣冠禽兽(高H 1V1 SC)

内容简介:他是衣冠禽兽(高H1V1SC)笔趣阁,他是衣冠禽兽(高H1V1SC)sodu,他是衣冠禽兽(高H1V1SC)小说,他是衣冠禽兽(高H1V1SC)顶点,他是衣冠禽兽(高H1V1SC)就想 吃肉肉,疯批富二代x娇软小白花转学第一天温若就被傅亦川盯上了,软硬兼施强要了她。从此之后操场教室保健室,哪里都能成为他发泄兽欲的地方。为了躲他,温若放弃了自己心仪的大学,偷偷改了志愿。四年后,他再次闯入她的生活,却儒雅斯文毫无半点当年的影子。直到她接受家人的安排开始相亲,那只披着羊皮的狼,才卸下了伪装。本文上半部分是校园篇《他是疯批高HSC1v1》点击书名即达其他文已肥未完结,入坑谨慎点击书名即达《傻白甜天天挨操高HNP》软萌小白兔X各种凶猛大灰狼肉杂含骨科、强奸等元素,不适者慎入《被合租糙汉室友肏到哭》器大活好的拳击教练X娇软小作精高H1V1有年龄差1w0-97564 >>


内容简介:请假一天,请假条不好用了文案:【v前随榜更,v后日更,更新时间1800,可能会有延迟】【入v,希望大家多多支持,不要养肥qwq】意外身死之后时听绑定了一个快穿系统,对方给她布置的任务是 在男主心中留下最深刻的印象,成为男主心底最不可忘却的那个人;完成任务后她可以积攒能量,死而复生。不过唯一比较棘手的是,每个小世界的男主已经有了女主,而女主便是男主心底当前最不可忘却的那个人。系统:你的任务是让男主记住你,记得死死的,深深地。时听:了解了。于是——①清冷孤傲小白花女主x白富美撒币姐姐第一个世界里男主和女主是青梅竹马,两人一起从农村考到城市,感情深厚,彼此扶持。系统:你得让男主耳目一新。于是时听开着跑车停在了男女主面前,一手拿着爱仕新款限量包包,一只手取下普达墨镜,笑容款款的看向女主,“我来资助你上完大学以及之后考研考博等等的费用,你离开他,跟着我好不好?”男主:脏话。系统:……不是这种耳目一新!!!②善良纯洁光明圣女x掌控阴影无所不能的黑暗神第二个世界里男主和女主因为身份的缘故,发乎情止于礼,虽然没有挑明心思,但二人已经认定了彼此便是相守一生的人。系统:你得让男主追随你。于是时听在夜晚降临圣殿,用阴影将金发圣洁的小圣女圈在怀里,一点点勾引着她暗堕,直至将她变成自己的所有物,让她成为黑暗神的圣女。男主:我必终其一生去消灭黑暗神!系统:……不是这种追随!!③矜贵优雅貌美假千金x绿茶小白花真千金第三个世界里男主是A城权势最大家族的家主,痴心女主,哪怕得知女主是假千金也要为她保驾护航。系统:你得让男主喜欢上你。于是时听被领回家以后,白天孤独胆小要姐姐陪着,晚上怕黑睡不着要姐姐陪着,洗澡时她紧紧贴在女主怀里,搂着她的腰:“姐姐,你不要扔下我……”哄得女主动了心。男主:?系统:是让男主动心不是女主!!!vb存梗于注:无论原男女主感情程度如何,但都没有【真正】在一起。下本预收《姐友我抢,姐友我做》球收藏呀,点进专栏下滑【百合】频道【文案】又名《抢了宋初霁所有男朋友之后的黎蔓只好把自己赔给她》漂亮无脑小蠢货女一x冷淡自持不举(??)黑天鹅黎蔓是一个漂亮小美人,沉鱼落雁,艳如桃李,就是脑子不怎么聪明,尤其在宋初霁的衬托下,显得她更加的只有美貌而无智商。黎蔓心底对宋初霁的羡慕随着日积月累的被对比,慢慢进化成了嫉恨。而这样的嫉恨在某一天黎蔓做了一个梦之后达到了顶峰。黎蔓梦到将来宋初霁继承了宋家,没有给她们母女留一分钱,一切都只是因为黎蔓母亲跟宋初霁父亲之间并没有法律承认的婚姻关系。一起相处那么多年,没有感情总也有情分,但是梦中的宋初霁只是在宋父死后,就一脸冷淡的把她们母女赶 >>


内容简介:携带至尊抽奖系统测试版的陆杰来到了抗战爆发之前。没武器装备?没事,抽奖就行,T54主战坦克、F4鬼怪战斗机、小鹰级航母随你挑!没资源?没事,测试版系统赠送无限积分,想要多少随便兑换!从 此天空之中喷气式战机遮天蔽日,陆地上钢铁洪流滚滚而来,海洋中航母横行四洋,太空中卫星漂浮,二战将由华夏主宰!1w0-27771 >>


内容简介:两个平行的世界。在末日爆发的那一天,历史的轨迹驶向不同的两条线,彻底的变成两个完全不同的世界。一个是天堂,一个是炼狱。一个是红旗飘飘的和平时代。一个是丧尸横行人心沦丧的世界末日。顾宁在 末世中艰难求生,拼尽全力想要保护父母和自己爱的人,却惨遭设计横死街头。她在一个奇异的空间醒来。一个空间,一扇门。门开一次是和平,再开一次是末世。公告:保证日更,绝不偷懒!如果更新变更时间都会在微博上面说哒。1w0-106431 >>


内容简介:原名:不败战神杨辰。 五年前,为了能让自己配得上她,他不辞而别。五年后,他携一身惊天本领,荣耀而归,只是归来之时,竟发现自己多了一个女儿。 1w4597-4598

Unlucky Boy Undead Girl

Unlucky Boy Undead Girl summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Unlucky Boy Undead Girl. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Zero No Tsukaima Chevalier

From FoOlRulez: Hiraga Saito was summoned to the wonderful world of Halkeginia through the use of magic. He was summoned by the very cute, yet with 'Zero' magical ability, Louise. Although it was an accident, Saito was summoned during the summoning ceremony, and sealed the agreement to become Louise's 'Familiar' through a kiss. That is how he arrived in this world. While on the way to visit the Princess of Tristain for her upcoming marriage to the King of Germania, war broke out. Because of the upcoming marriage, Conquista joined forces with Albion, declared war and began their invasion of Tristain. While drowning in despair over the disparity in military strength, Louise, by chance, got on board the Zero Fighter piloted by Saito. Her ability to use the legendary magic lineage 'Void' awoke and she single-handedly ensured the triumph of Tristain over the army of Albion. And so we continue on from there to their next scene of battle. From Abeash: After being accidentally summoned to the magnificent world of Halkegenia, Higara Saito begins his new life as a 'familiar' for a super cute yet rude and bossy aristocrat witch Louise or also know by her fellow members as 'Louise the Zero'. After being a loyal magic user for the Princess of Tristain, Louise embarks on a new journey that's full of fun, romance and mischief. Will she be able to complete her quest or will she give up?


From MiiRache: In the land of Carat, a battle for the queen’s throne and the prince’s hand in marriage is up and coming. Yuni and Melissa are chosen as candidates for the throne and until a winner is determined, the prince remains in a magical sleep. But what does this have to do with Baba Kanon, a simple ninth grader with thoughts of revolutionizing herself? PARODY OF MAGICAL GIRL CONCEPT

Shoujo Kidan Makora

A young girl, Makora, lives in a strange house without mirror. One day, she has a strange dream and when she tells her mother, she seems sad all of sudden. On the way to school, Makora starts seeing strange things and when she comes back home, her mother is nowhere to be found. Only a weird guy seems to know something, he has a message for her from her mother: 'Find the mirror'

A Trip to the Orient

A Trip to the Orient summary: A Trip to the Orient summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Trip to the Orient. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fiery Tales: Undone

Fiery Tales: Undone summary: Fiery Tales: Undone summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fiery Tales: Undone. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Survivors' Club: The Escape

Survivors' Club: The Escape summary: Survivors' Club: The Escape summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Survivors' Club: The Escape. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Starting Anew As The New Me

Starting Anew As The New Me summary: The Demon Lord who unified the Demon Realm, Dalewatts, starts his invasion of the Human Realm to bring it under his rule. At that time, the announcement “The one that shall pull out the Angel’s Sword will become the hero and defeat the Demon Lord” circulated through the Human Realm. Dalewatts, who heard about this, transferred his soul and magical power into a human body and slipped into the ceremony to try and destroy the hero and the sword himself, but there was no one who could pull out the sword. The onlookers were also made to partic.i.p.ate in the ceremony and when Dalewatts’ turn came, with no way to escape anymore, he helplessly grasped the sword, then, at that moment, after his magical power got absorbed by the sword the spirit inhabiting the sword, Erin, appeared and the sword fell out. By pulling out the sword he got recognized as the hero and his life of subjugating the Demon Lord started…… However, that Demon Lord is he himself. Thus the mysterious adventure of going to defeat himself began.

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