












简介醉酒的温凉无意识的呼唤着霍东铭的名字犹如致命的诱惑。“温凉,可能只有把你变成我的女人,你才不会逃跑吧。。。”霍东铭捏紧了拳头,狠狠把温凉压在身下。四年前你不辞而别,四年后我不会再让你从我身边跑开,你永远都是我的女人。 ---请看霸道总裁和灰姑娘的爱情血泪史,豪门之间的倾轧和算计












简介林岚,她是落魄的草根模特,漂亮、倔强、为爱不顾一切,却发现抵不过对手胸脯三两肉,被前男友背叛、利用,才知一心一意想要嫁给他不过一场笑话。 阎军令,他是高高在上的娱乐帝王,尊贵、冷酷、翻手为云覆手为雨,却对她一见钟情,柔情备至。 幸福来得太突然,让她备觉惶恐,却不知道这背后藏着怎样一个深情的秘密……








内容简介:【预收《蔷薇少年》和《小祖宗》喜欢的小可爱可以先收藏哦!】★日更,中午十二点或者晚上九点更新何倦穿成一本狗血虐恋文里,暗恋白月光学神的炮灰男配学神攻和贫困生受此时互有好感;炮灰人人厌弃 而不自知,还不自量力妄想男神穿书的何倦表示:重新回到高中,好好学习考个好大学,顺便完成选错专业的遗憾,它不香吗?于是众人发现,原本阴郁的万人嫌何倦,不知什么时候变得顺眼起来;他剪了头发,好看的容貌再也遮盖不住他整齐地穿起校服,每天第一个到学校,最后一个下晚自习期中考试,他考了年级第二,比年级第一低了一分年级第一是傅闲——————————傅闲版文案:不知什么时候起,原本碍眼的人,开始让傅闲辗转反侧、日思夜想……傅闲克制过、远离过,甚至在这个过程中还口出冷语等压抑的情感终于爆发的时候,那个人却时日无多……谁也没有想到,A城顶尖豪门的家主,会有一天,跪在病床前,笨拙地哄一个人喝药注意:矫情文学,但HE受从始至终只爱过攻弱攻强受,何倦攻VS傅闲受————以下为预收——————预收:《蔷薇少年》【弱攻强受】弱攻是芭蕾少年,精致、纤弱、干净;强受是来受学校交流的富二代学弟,不可一世,孤冷又凌厉,嘴巴特别毒;强受以为弱攻是贪慕虚荣的金丝雀,看不起还毒舌他,明明心动了还要嘴硬;弱攻梦想就是在国际芭蕾舞比赛中获奖和当首席;但是他父亲得了重病,芭蕾舞学费高昂;弱攻真的成了强受的金丝雀,为了家人,也为了梦想;在强受发觉自己的心意后,弱攻已经得了抑郁症,在完成了一次举世瞩目的舞台后,弱攻自杀了;——————————————————————《小祖宗【弱攻】》——十六岁那年,和婆婆相依为命生活在危楼的夏天,被告知他其实是豪门走丢的真少爷。他不用忐忑怎么和父母相处,因为父母找了他十年,在终于找到他的消息后,出了车祸,双双亡故。懵懂的夏天站在灵堂听律师念父母的遗书,稀里糊涂拥有了他十辈子都花不完的遗产。律师告诉夏天不要怕,他父母给他安排了一个经理人,给他打理这些财产。———裴清原去参加一个悼念会,却在灵堂捡到一个哭红了鼻子、惶然脆弱的少年。少年把他当成了父母派来打理遗产的经理人。裴清原鬼使神差默认了。从此诺大的裴家庄园多了一个小祖宗。小祖宗身体不好,又喜欢热闹、禁不起诱惑,不好好学习还结交大票狐朋狗友,每天灯红酒绿,夜不归宿往日的加班狂裴总的日常生活,变成了抓夏天回来,按着他读书,还要小心不能过了头。有一天,夏天以前贫苦的经历不知道被谁曝出来了,一时之间夏天沦为上流社会的笑柄。裴清原哄了夏天一下午,让他签了不少文件。第二天,裴氏集团发布公告,更名夏氏集团。裴家庄园,裴清原笨拙地拍了拍夏天的头:“现 >>


内容简介:“我先声明一下,这三十三年来,我之所以销声匿迹,绝对不是苟,是因为我把一切赌在了新时代。”“但你们太让我失望了,武林神话这个位置太重太深沉,你们把握不住。”“有人说,我都已经是过气的老 古董了,新时代的江湖没有能够承载我的船?呵呵呵,我不信!”天变之前——三尺气墙,摘叶飞花,以一敌千,武学之巅。天变之后——异人符箓,神兵邪灵,妖魔精怪,武者仙真,巫蛊方术,通幽洞微,召神御鬼,炼养成仙……天罡地煞变化数,三千六百门,八万四千法……总而言之,就是一个穿越到了灵潮复苏的大修行时代,身份却是低武时期武林神话的故事。诸天流,无敌流,千帆过尽后,BOSS竟然还是我自己!1w0-3296 >>


内容简介:殷灵灵不择手段嫁给自己暗恋了三年的男人,却遭受到被丈夫转手送给其他男人做床伴的厄运!午夜,男人压覆在女人身上疯狂索欢。她无力承受,却不得不承受。哭泣着,哽咽着,瑟抖着,却唯独不敢挣扎。 她怕极了身上这个可怕的男人!“求你,求你饶过我吧!我不会再干扰程明的一切,更不会破坏他的生活。让我离婚也可以,让我离开好不好?呜呜呜!不要这么对我,真的不要!”她没想到自己会被心爱的男人,自己的丈夫程明丢弃在一间公寓里。一间,住着一个白发的妖孽男子的公寓里。白天,白发男子神龙见首不见尾;午夜,饶是殷灵灵将门上了锁,用沙发椅子堵住,白发男子还是能轻易走进来。他的大掌和唇瓣不断地在她身上游荡着,蹂躏着,留下一道道暧昧的痕迹。面对她哭泣的求饶声,他很好心的安慰道:“女人,别哭!你注定做我的女人,所以——别想抗拒!”1w0-81214 >>




内容简介:被人栽赃陷害贪污受贿的胡飞在心灰意冷之际,他继承了一个活了九万年的人的一切,一个活了九万年的人有多少财产?房子不是几套,要看是多少栋。汽车?不你得问有几个汽车公司。游艇?飞机?妹子?这 些都不是问题。他只想说,从这一刻起,他就是神豪!各位书友要是觉得《我是大神豪》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w54862-94212 >>




1) I'm Not Your Steppin' Stone Construction worker Sakai Kazuya is a 23-year-old man in love. Unfortunately, the object of his affection is the younger sister of Ezumi Masashi, an 18-year-old elite whose house he has been working on. In order to dissuade Kazuya, Masashi lies that his sister is only interested in high achieving men. Masashi offers to tutor Kazuya so he can pass his senior high school exams, but will Kazuya be able to afford his extortive price? 2) Tell Me You Love Me Masashi's classmate Saitou tries to get between him and Kazuya because he deems Kazuya as being an obstacle to Masashi's success. Extras) Break Time Saitou starts dreaming during class. A Day with the Stupid Couple I A Day with the Stupid Couple II 3) Lovely Kazuya insists on taking the exams despite the fact that he is no longer interested in Natsuko. He bans Masashi from seeing him till the exams are over but then Masashi sees Mogi Kousei pulling Kazuya's pants off?! (features Mogi Kousei from Kawaige) 4) Marshmallow Honeymoon It is summer and Masashi wants to go on a holiday with Kazuya but the latter has work lined up so he can afford the new air-conditioner.

Lucky Number 13

Satou Hiroshi is the kind of polite, innocent, cute boy who's popular with guys and girls alike. But word-of-mouth has it that anyone who dates him will be plagued by a series of unfortunate events and near-death experiences - eventually being forced to institute a break-up 'under pain of death'... Will bespectacled, 'uncool', baseball-crazy Tsumabuki Kasumi prove these rumours wrong or experience them first-hand? But after falling for Hiroshi's cute smile upon their (rather weird) first meeting, he's determined to tempt fate and find out whether he can finally break out of this unlucky streak and strike it lucky in his love life!

Demon Constructor

The story follows an unfortunate High School student, who one day meets an old man ribbed by delinquents. The man asked the student what he desires as a favor for having helped him, but he didn’t believe the man and left. However, when he fell asleep at night, he wised he were stronger in order to take revenge from the delinquents. When he wake up in the morning, he saw his body changed and a demon appeared in front of the window…

Loveplus: Manaka Days

Based on DS Dating Sim 'Love Plus'.

Bessie's Fortune

Bessie's Fortune summary: Bessie's Fortune summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Bessie's Fortune. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

English Synonyms and Antonyms

English Synonyms and Antonyms summary: English Synonyms and Antonyms summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of English Synonyms and Antonyms. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

What Katy Did

What Katy Did summary: What Katy Did summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of What Katy Did. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan

A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan summary: Do people chase greatness, or does greatness chase us?
A.I. genius, Gengyo, through the a.s.sistance of SAPPHIRE attains the means to time travel. He seeks a simpler life, and wishes to experience the warmth of a family.
But often we do not get what we want, we get what we deserve. And his peaceful times soon end, as war storms j.a.pan, and in order to protect his peace, he must conquer. Join Gengyo as he walks a blood-stained path toward absolute domination, seizing control of j.a.pan.
//Brief extract from one of the battle scenes. Written from the point of view of a samurai landowner, Niwa Nakatane.
The hooves grew closer to Nakatane's position and their beating hearts grew faster.
Perhaps they could simply remain like that, hiding behind the tree, and allow these barbarians to pa.s.s? That way could they not return home to their families? Could they not give their dear wives one final kiss, or share one final story with their enthusiastic youth?
Nakatane knew exactly what they were thinking. And as the ground rumbled, and the mounted beasts howled, he was the first man to step out from the trees and make his stand.
Possessed by a furious energy, he thrust out with all the aggression of a war G.o.d, puncturing Ochi's stallion through the chest with the sharpened wooden point of his lengthy spear.
The mammoth fell from his mount clumsily, his head colliding with a nearby tree root. He ceased to move, and a pool of blood began to form around him.
He stood in front of the charge of over 150 hors.e.m.e.n, alone. But he did not give a single inch of ground. He met the charge of the next man in line, roaring vengefully, possessed by all the rage and power that had acc.u.mulated in his body over these past years.
The hors.e.m.e.n shrieked like a pack of hyenas, fanning out, each eager for a piece of the man who had brought down their leader.

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