






简介只要优子也战斗漫画 ,两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书。 被卷入战斗也无动于衷的女子高中生新王州优子的战斗,开幕!




类别都市 恋爱 霸总






















内容简介:异国战争爆发,战地记者宋冉在紧急撤退过程中遭遇炸弹危险,拆弹特种兵李瓒救了她。回国后宋冉多方寻找李瓒下落无果,后在异国以战地记者和维和军官的身份再次重逢。两人情愫渐生,却因一次意外双双 身负重伤失去联系,彼此在心理磨难中寻找着对方。各位书友要是觉得《白色橄榄树完结》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2312-83115 >>


内容简介:那年,35岁的霍然,遇上18岁的那格格。那年,他是娱乐圈知名老干部,她是十八线小明星。然后,他两结婚了。婚后的生活是酱紫的然回首,幸好有你。然而第二天,那格格的微博动态变成了:老干部秒 变老司机,没想到有人比我还更污……多年后,不少粉丝表示,当初看错了人,没想到老干部是这样的老干部。粉丝后援团团长:咯~狗粮吃太饱,让我耍微博消化一下这是一个高冷闷骚影帝,把媳妇当女儿来宠的故事,女神穿衣有颜,脱衣有胸,绝扒榜这是梅子的专栏,收藏一下呗 ̄ω ̄最萌年龄差是原作者妹纸爱吃梅子精心创作的都市小说大作,笔趣阁同步更新最萌年龄差最新章节,书友所发表的最萌年龄差评论,并不代表笔趣阁赞同或者支持最萌年龄差书友的观点。您要是觉得《最萌年龄差》还不错的话,请点击顶部的分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈吧!1w0-76352 >>


内容简介:吾是浮游子,志在记苍生!元能111身体素质1修为10五商剑术100五商剑术大成!修为突破灵境!职业:修道者姓名:商蝣号浮游子修为:灵境三重天【99910000】能力:游商天下(踏遍千山 万水,归来仍是少年!)灵法:磨剑法大成御兽法大圆满身体素质:66666666评级:一颗星(潜力有限,节哀顺便!)PS只手握苍生,游商行天下!游商书友群:八一五五二九五九七1w0-81942 >>


内容简介:一个偶然出现于宇宙边界的异常现象,打破了文明长久以来的技术枷锁。然而,任何事件都不会凭空发生。在灾难中闯出一条路,将文明引向复兴。发展过程并不均匀,有时,在千百万年中,整个文明仿佛凝滞 一般毫无波动;有时,仅仅是一息之间,全新的知识就能让任何人眼花缭乱。力量只是一个方面,更多时候,决定文明自身是否伟大的,是思想。如果您喜欢星明帝国,别忘记分享给朋友作者:伍德斯特VV所写的《星明帝国》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83303 >>


内容简介:渣了Alpha影帝后想去父留子简介:ABO有私设,生子预警!!信息素:冰雪(受)×烈日(攻)许睡,男,十九岁,在校大学生,没有女朋友,但他做梦都想要个崽,跟自己血脉相连的那种。可能是老 天听到了他的心声,莫名其妙地,他穿书了,穿成了一本狗血ABO耽美文里的炮灰受。最重要的是,他成为了一个omega,能自己生崽的那种!!许睡:我滴天哪。逐渐兴奋jpg嗯,现在还差个崽爹。剧组聚餐,他的目光不动声色地落在了影帝身上。影帝身上很香。影帝身材好长得帅,学历高智商也高,而且性格高冷得一批,后续处理起来应该很简单。1w0-80750 >>


内容简介:  浪起黑暗,超凡钢铁铸就的蒸汽朋克轮船,发出轰鸣征程远航。  鲸落深海,海妖用美妙歌声,呼唤着那些狩猎美人鱼的超凡水手。  遵守着古老守则的诡秘时间猎人,正在寻觅他们的猎物。  天生 的“英雄”,背负着命运,已然踏上了开创历史的征程。  远古的“封印物”,急不可耐的撬开了封印之门,他们要释放新衍生出来的“超凡模因”。   蒸汽科学与超凡结合的“超凡基因战士”迎来了曙光。  刚刚破开蛋的年幼巨龙,看到了屠龙勇士,用刀子剜出来他母亲的心脏。  天灾生物们,磨刀霍霍,他们要粉墨登场与这个非凡时代。  时代浪潮已然汹涌席卷而来,带着黑暗神秘迷雾……  不可名状的恐怖在孕育……  深渊在凝视……  而某个遗迹城内苟着的,立志要成为肉装法爷的少年,在挂机。  ……  欢迎来到——蒸汽朋克超凡纪元!……群:9923699381w0-2428 >>

Romance To Innocence

Uno is disowned by his father when the father discovers that he has a male lover, thus he relocates himself to a boarding school. There, his roommate Sakurai is annoyed about Uno's crush on his neighbor Keisuke...

My Partner

This is the 12th story in Yuri Tengoku Anthology [From Lililicious]: In 'My Partner,' which takes place at a nursing school for girls, the main character befriends another girl whom nobody likes and ends up going overboard when practicing CPR on her.


Tsutomu Nihei returns with another addictive manga (see BLAME!), set in the not-so-distant future (3005 A.D.). It follows a character by the name of Kanoe Zouichi and the mysterious Kanoe Fuyu whose luminous form is integrated into the system of his bike. They are agents sent by a powerful organization to retrieve the human with the ability to resist and transmute the NS5 infection that is spreading across the world, named Yion/Ion Green. However, their mission is delayed by the reckless actions of the Public Health Department's taskforce and the kidnapping of Yion/Ion Green. Will they complete their mission? Where has Yion/Ion Green been taken? These questions will only be answered as more volumes are released. The art in BioMega is similar to BLAME!, with its complicated concrete sprawl and ludicrously wide, empty spaces. However, things seem to happen at a more reasonable pace. In this manga, there is emphasis on the swiftness of the attacks made by Zouichi, such as the gun being sheathed just before the enemies fall to the ground. Speed is crucial in this manga, unlike in BLAME!, and the plot develops just as quickly. An interesting read, especially if one has enjoyed BLAME!

-6Mm No Taboo

Collection of oneshots: 1) Half Moon Tsukito is known as the 'Angel of Death' due to the misfortune that falls to anyone that associates with him. A yakuza intrusted with the mission to kill a trader, is looking for a one sweet night before the deadly mission. But perhaps the night will become more than just one night. 'remember me in night of the half moon' 2) Private Gallery What is fake and what is real - in art and love? 3) Lover's Return Akimi Kenishi was kidnapped as a little boy in a foreign country and became a pedophiles toy in human trafficking business. His parents hired a detective to rescue their son. And the boy falls in love with his hero. 4) Night of Dismantlement Kou was 12 when he was violated by his older brother. But the one who feels the passion is Kou, and he fears that one day, his aniki will leave him. The insecurity lead him to the wrong path. Will his brother make Kou his own? 5) -6mm no Taboo 6) Neji no Kaiten EX Continuation of Neji no Kaiten Hyato is moving into Ryuu's apartment in the excuse of experiencing the real world. What his parents don't know, is that they are actually lovers. But Ryuu is Hyato's first time, but Hyato isn't Ryuu's first time. But why is Ryuu so insistent in wearing condom? Does he plan to have other partners beside him? WARNING: The third story 'Lover's Return' contains Shota and S&M. The fourth story 'Night of Dismantlement' contains incest.

Destined To Last

Destined To Last summary: Destined To Last summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Destined To Last. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Busted Ex-Texan and Other Stories

The Busted Ex-Texan and Other Stories summary: The Busted Ex-Texan and Other Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Busted Ex-Texan and Other Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Young Explorer

The Young Explorer summary: The Young Explorer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Young Explorer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Glory Game

The Glory Game summary: The Glory Game summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Glory Game. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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