


























简介【每周日更新】不爱运动的林声在家长的强求下加入了击剑社,想不到第一天就被教练的女儿张星洛狠狠地教训了一顿,在与张星洛的相处中林声渐渐意识到了她是一名实力强劲备受大家尊敬的击剑手,但是在一次比赛中,张星洛输给了强劲的对手肖何!原以为肖何无人能敌之时,林声竟从肖何手中拿下一剑,并誓立要打败肖何!为此林声决心踏上击剑之道!(编/绘 西狗)






内容简介:前世,她用医术替他拉拢人心,让外祖用兵权助他登位,结果最后却换来满门屠杀,惨死收场。重活一世,她绝不会再让自己活成一场笑话。她要用她五年的记忆,高超的医术,力挽狂澜。保幼弟,护祖母,斗 白莲,杀渣男。她要…1w0-28249 >>




内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:大秦:融合凯多,当场秒杀荆轲】穿越秦朝竟成千古一帝嬴政的次子嬴云,正当融合记忆混乱之时。恰逢朝堂惊变,燕国使者荆轲图穷匕见!荆轲一击带着凌厉剑气!满朝文武,皆 是救驾不及!就在此时,嬴云脑海中响起了系统的提示音。【检测到秦王嬴政即将遇刺,请宿主自行做出选择!】【选择一:冷眼旁观,看着荆轲刺杀秦王,奖励大力丸一枚!】【选择二:出手帮助荆轲刺杀秦王,暴兵大雪龙骑部队一万,转为反秦主线!】【选择三:救驾秦王,当场击杀荆轲!奖励凯多传承!】这还选吗?肯定是三!嬴云接受凯多传承,当场展现龙人形态!面对手持名剑残虹的荆轲,嬴云悍然发动最强招式。降三世·引奈落!一拳秒杀!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢大秦:融合凯多,当场秒杀荆轲,别忘记分享给朋友大秦:融合凯多,当场秒杀荆轲TXT下载1w0-71717 >>


内容简介:当第一个超人类出现时,人们认为这是奇迹;当第一个超人类罪犯出现时,人们认为这是动荡的开端;当超人类占据总人口数时,所有人都意识到,这将是一场革命,现有的秩序会被颠覆。当第一个占据超人类 意识的玩家出现时,这个世界才意识到,这是一场前所未有的天灾第四天灾AFK作者回归,老书高订一万二,均订2900,人品有保证(啊,我知道,我新书鸽了一年,但我说的是更新方面的人品,你们就当真的听)1w0-33627 >>


内容简介:【起点女生网一组签约作品】穿成将军府的嫡女,很好;但是马上就要出嫁冲喜?老天,她才十一岁!夫家是豪门望族不假,但是各房各院那是各怀心思;好在她的小夫君,少年老成又知疼知暖,只是他也泥菩 萨过江,朝不保夕。姐不发威,真当咱是病猫啊:看咱现代白骨精,和小夫婿同心同德,一起大战侯门各路女妖精!感谢作者念爱爱制作的精美封面正常一日一更,30张粉红票加更一章2000推荐票再加更一章!女人坑品保证,请亲们放心收藏。另有完结文:妾大不如妻》和《那些看云卷云舒的日子》,都是种田家斗文。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《侯门娇》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-61986 >>


内容简介:邪恶催眠师(全三册)是周浩晖的作品,提供邪恶催眠师(全三册)全文免费阅读,邪恶催眠师(全三册)最新章节和邪恶催眠师(全三册)txt下载,小说讲述:事实上,催眠术早被用于各行各业,心理医 生用来治病救人,广告商用来贩卖商品,江湖术士用来坑蒙拐骗……意志薄弱的人、欲望强烈的人、过度防范的人,都极易被催眠术操控。在街头实施的“瞬间催眠术”,可以让路人迷迷糊糊地把身上的钱悉数奉上;稍微深一些的催眠,更可以让人乖乖地去银行取出自己的全部存款;而如果碰到一个邪恶催眠师,被催眠者不仅任其驱使,就算搭上性命也浑然不觉。意志薄弱的人、欲望强烈的人,容易被催眠;过度防范的人,警惕心越强,越容易被催眠。催眠师找准了催眠对象的心理弱点,利用人的恐惧、贪念、防备,潜入对方的精神世界,进而操控他们。瞬间催眠、集体催眠、认知错乱、删除记忆……1w0-81869 >>

Pretty Scoop!

1) The scoop of justice Eiichi Sada enters the newspaper club as soon as he enters high school. His partner, Akira, looks terrifying but mentally he is very kind. One day, Eiichi witnesses the love affair of two homosexual students and takes a picture of it. Akira then takes a shot of Eiichi's nude form in order to make Eiichi learn the significance of reporting. 2) My only scoop Eiichi knows Akira's father is a journalist. But Akira asks Eiichi to keep quiet. 3) Selfish scoop The police gets Akira mixed up with a sexual molester who uses a secret camera and arrests him. Eiichi asks Akira's father to help. 4) The true scoop Akira and Eiichi find stray kitties. 5) Obedient scoop Extra story : Haretara ii Na (Tell me Clearly) A student who likes rainy days loves his best friend who is an outdoor type.

Koisuru Melody Musume

From ShoujoMagic: STORY 01: DJ 'COOL' Chiaki never expected to fall in love with the number one night club DJ! STORY 02: Pianist 'Sou' Mizue is charmed by her enigmatic music professor. STORY 03: Guitarist 'Demi' Hinano's boyfriend just dumped her because she's not his type! She's too cute, and he wants a sexy girl... but it would seem Hinano's mailman disagrees. By day, he hand delivers her mail, and by night he lets down his bleached blonde hair, and... (!!!) -- but guys like that aren't Hinano's type! STORY 04: Princess Hungry Aoi, age 17, has a problem -- an abnormal appetite! It's getting hard to keep it a secret from her classmates, but she can't let them know. She still remembers when she started dating her crush Kousaka... and then when he caught her pigging out after they'd parted one night, he never spoke to her again. But now Aoi is going on a trip with some classmates and their friends... and Kousaka is with them!? Is he mad at Aoi? Will he tell everyone her secret??

Rozen Maiden

From Tokyopop: After a traumatic incident, Jun Sakurada refuses to interact with the outside world and return to school--he even shuts out his sister, his closest friend. Jun spends most of his time online buying spiritual items that are obvious rip-offs. One day he finds a website that curiously enough asks him to put his order in his desk drawer. Thinking it's a joke, Jun plays along. The following day a suitcase arrives containing a doll named Shinku... that comes to life before his very eyes! Welcome to the world of Rozen Maiden, where Jun must enter an all-new reality to protect and serve a living doll... In its continuation, the story starts with an older Jun, who is now a university student. While working at a bookstore as his part time job, he finds an unaddressed copy of the first issue of a weekly magazine 'How to Make a Girl' containing a spring. He brings it home, and soon starts receiving further issues of the magazine by post, each issue having one part of a doll's body as a gift. One day, after putting much effort into assembling the fifth Rozen Maiden doll Shinku, he receives a notification that the publication has been cancelled, leaving him with an incomplete doll. Suddenly, he receives a mysterious text message from his old number, claiming to be the Jun Sakurada asking for help against the seventh Rozen Maiden doll Kirakishou...

Tenshi No Fukuin

In olden Britian, Orland, who is in search for the key to becoming King, meets a beautiful priest by the name of Ethelred, who is on the verge of being killed as a sacrifice. Now begins the dangerous adventure of these two, who have met in a chaotic world surrounded by swords and spiritual beliefs...

The Left Ear

The Left Ear summary: High school student Li Er crushes on the handsome Xu Yi, who falls in love with Li Bala. After a series of events leads Li Er and Bala to become friends, four young lives become entwined, as they love and lose and grow.

Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita

Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita summary: The story is set several centuries into the slow decline of mankind. Earth has now become the realm of “fairies” – 10-centimeter-tall (about 4-inch-tall) creatures with remarkable intelligence. The human protagonist of the story serves an important duty as the international arbitrator between the fairies and humans, and she returns to her former hometown of Kusunoki. She chose this job because she thought it was an easy job she can do, even when she is as old as her grandfather. However, she learns that her job is anything but simple when she meets the fairies.

Will of Heaven

Will of Heaven summary: In 218 BC, near a village in the southeast of the Qin empire, a young man named Han Xin— brilliant, ambitious, and utterly dest.i.tute— is approached by a black-robed stranger who claims to be a divine messenger. On behalf of his G.o.d, he offers the youth his sole chance to fulfill his ambitions in return for a seemingly bizarre favor. But as Han Xin sees more of the world in his path to power, he realizes that he’s part of a far larger conspiracy, rooted in ancient myth and living history, and that his bargain could have far greater repercussions than he’d ever imagined. He and his protege may still be able to save the day, but not without enormous personal sacrifice.

Lovers’ Times

Lovers’ Times summary: Sequel to Love Times

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