












类别恋爱 少女




















内容简介:般宿偶得神级印武系统。印契、古武道法和地球星际文明的结合,踏着血与骨,殷墟学院历练,妖魔乱世中霸皇遮天。般宿被神级系统寄宿后,生活就变了。系统﹕宿主心生恶念,欲要抢夺小女孩手中糖葫芦, 扣除一功德点作为警告,再有触犯,将百倍扣除惩戒。般宿:我……省…分享书籍《神印遮天》作者:紫夜血花1w0-110895 >>


内容简介:被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节列:小说《被嫌弃的妹妹》吃饱饱睡觉觉著被嫌弃的妹妹全文阅读被嫌弃的妹妹是吃饱饱睡觉觉写的穿越重生类小说兄弟战争被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节列:小说《兄弟战争被嫌弃的妹妹》吃 饱饱睡觉觉著兄弟战争被嫌弃的妹妹全文阅读猥琐流吐槽向?慢热中长篇,鼻天然呆老爸的再婚对象居然有十三个儿子!有魅力无敌的前继姐日向绘麻珠玉在前,从小生活在老爸各种烂摊子阴影下、“无男友史年龄”的女刺头能否成为一名魔法少啊不!后宫之主?故事发生在原作的两年之后,至于绘麻为毛不是女主,属于剧透范围,麻亲妈请放心。白文,毁原作,慎重入坑于作者是个没有爱与梦想的成年人,灵感时有枯竭,此文不坑,跪谢民那桑的支持,真空小新人昨xmlampxmlamp声明《被嫌弃的妹妹》作者吃饱饱睡觉觉写的被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节小说在线阅读,实时同步更新被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节,书友所发表的被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节评论,并不代表要看书赞同被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节或者支持被嫌弃的妹妹读者阅读的此观点,我们的立场仅限于传播更多读者感兴趣的信息。如果小说被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节浏览,或对小说被嫌弃的妹妹内容、版权等方面有质疑,或对本站有意见建议请到站务管理区发帖,如果发现《被嫌弃的妹妹》小说最新章节未及时更新请联系我们。如果您喜欢小说被嫌弃的妹妹请支持作者到书店购买正版图书。感谢您的合作与支持。各位书友要是觉得《被嫌弃的妹妹》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27925 >>


内容简介:千年前,唐峰攀登昆仑山,意外坠崖,穿越上古星空大阵进入星辰之海,自此,走上修仙之路。千年征战,横扫星海,成就无上仙身,为紫微仙君。唐峰穿越星空大阵,损耗元神,重返地球,却发现,地球仅仅 过去了六年的时间,而且,他还有了一个粉嘟嘟的宝贝女儿。高冷的霸道女总裁前女友,聪明的女儿,从此,让星辰之海战栗的紫微仙君,开启了极品奶爸的全新人生。1w0-1328 >>


内容简介:b【简版文案】本文又名《闷骚男和闷骚女》简单来说就是讲娱乐圈一对闷骚男女如何闷骚的谈恋爱的故事【阅读指南】☆1V1,甜宠,HE,单身汪无狗粮者慎入☆☆无原型,纯属虚构,主爱情线☆☆喜欢 的话请不吝收藏,你的收藏是我更新的动力☆☆节奏快,日更3000,每日凌晨更文☆☆存稿已完结,放心入坑,请大胆收藏我☆☆谢绝转载,谢绝扒榜☆《只道静水情深》欢脱(wu)版文案【男主版】【韩佑扬】(哔),亲也亲了,睡也睡了,该做不该做的都做了,现在吃干抹净,拍拍屁股就走人?个养不熟的丫头片子。【作者君吼男主】你啥都做了你倒是说啊说啊,你这么闷骚你家女主造吗?她造吗?造吗?吗?【女主版】【莫沐北】这,大家都是成年人了,做就做了,顺其自然维持着亲密关系也不错啦,反正她也不在乎内什么。。。【作者君嘲女主】你厉害,你潇洒,你就可劲儿憋,憋出内伤,憋出新高度。(蜜汁微笑,手动债见!)作者君专栏卖萌o∩∩o求收藏花球君专注甜文100年↓点开我的专栏把我领回家嘛作者君的新文,4月更新,求收藏作者君新文《091重生093BOSS宠无度》关键词①重生女主汪艺侬,被傲娇BOSS宠翻天关键词②1V1宠文,HE;各种配角涉及娱乐圈【简介】上一世是苦逼留学生的汪艺侬,这一世逆袭成了白富美。不小心就掉进了土豪堆,和一群富二代小朋友谈完理想谈人生。然而其中有一个叫宋慕怀的男人,从初见她时就一副看穿她的模样,深不可测、阴晴不定,简直就是大写的蛇精病!汪艺侬觉得上一世的剧本不对,这一世得重新来。可导演是谁?她越来越不确定了。花球君小伙伴们の文文戳戳看→091幻想现言093《091重生093谢谢你那么爱我》:重生鉴定师和高冷温情老公的甜宠之路戳戳看→091幻想现言093《男神是只猫》:变成猫后如何追求女主戳戳看→091幻想现言093《091快穿093萌妻难追》:某人幸(倒)福(霉)的追妻之路戳戳看→091科幻现言093《未来之将军大人的苦恼》:暴力食人花与忠犬的爱情故事戳戳看→091幻言存稿093《男神在我戒指里》:男神在手,天下我有戳戳看→091幻想现言093《古穿今之将军巨星》:091古穿今093女将军反穿现代娱乐圈戳戳看→091幻想现言093《咱们唱歌有力量》:拯救歌坛和世界戳戳看→091幻想现言093《人鱼的秘密娱乐圈》:十三线女星的二逼人生tdtitlebackgroundcolorBA5956borderbottomcolorBA5956borderbottomstylesolidborderbottomwidth1pxpadding3px5px0readtdbackgroundFEF9F1b >>


内容简介:  他是大陆上第四个双生武魂拥有者,也是大师的得意弟子,亦是史莱克天团最不可或缺的重要之人。穿越斗罗大陆,本想平淡过完此生的秦威,却意外觉醒强大武魂。(本书单女主,女主后期出现。)ps 1:此书前期走主角团,后期单独一些。ps2:本书拜大师,没有任何的金手指,不贱、不烂尾。1w0-2585 >>


内容简介:无敌文(?)又名《关于不良横推怪异你怎么看》、《东京暴躁,专打幕后怪异》冰室透穿越重生东京惹,重生后他得到了无敌的学习力,随便一招就是怀中抱妹杀,随便一学就是庐山升龙霸但是,即便是如此 强力的他也陷入了怪异的困扰之中……在同学眼中的他,在第一个事件里又是什么反应呢~1w0-29918 >>


While walking home from work one day, a doctor named Shuichiro notices an angel, Kohaku, stuck on a tree while being attacked by a crow. He rescues Kohaku and, in return, Kohaku offers to grant him a wish. However, Shuichiro is satisfied with his life - he has a decent home, good looks, and a well-paying job as a doctor - so he does not request anything. As Kohaku is honour-bound to grant the wish, she chooses to stay with him in his home, and helps with chores.

Warau Kyuuketsuki

Volume 1 : The Laughing Vampire. While a young boy, just resurrected as a vampire, commits acts of awful ferocity, the city around him shows all its perversion. The adults abuse of their power, the boys degenerate and use all the available means to achieve their goal to give vent to their low instincts. Whoever can't understand and make opposition is doomed to change or becoming crazy. So which is the real horror? The vampire who kills in order to feed himself or the crawling disease hidden in the society that slowly corrupts without being noticed? Volume 2 : Paradise. Following the events narrated in the first volume, Luna and Konosuke are now living together with the old woman vampire as fellows, as lovers, in a diabolic innocence, killing to quench their thirst for blood, joining death and love under the dream of the eternal youth. Meanwhile a young boy, named Makoto, is looking for his lost sister Miko, who disappeared years ago under mysterious circumstances. But what has really happened to that girl who liked eating grubs and dreamed to become on of them? And is someone really hiding a terrible secret? The paths of all the characters will dramatically collide, bringing unexpected consequences after the things are gradually revealed. A story suspended between weirdness and decadence, showing a clear nostalgia for the German cinematography and Federico Fellini, where the blood is used to trace a great and only apparent amoral story.

Saikou No Kiss Wo Ageru

Collection of Oneshots • Heartbeat Mail Uehara has always liked her classmate Kaji, who sits behind her but cannot find the strength to talk to him. One day Kaji left his phone on his desk, so she decided to leave a note with her mail address on it. Soon, they started mailing each other but what will come out of it? • 7 Kiss Asano is transferring soon. However, 7 days before she does, she sees Andou-sensei shoveling and she went up to him and kissed him, using her cellphone to take a picture of the scene! Using the picture, she blackmailed Andou-sensei into agreeing to kiss her every morning for seven days till the last day before she transfers… - Ochibichan • Love Honey Due to Shinji and Misaki’s parents remarrying, Shinji is now Misaki’s younger brother of 2 years. But that isn’t the only thing, Shinji and Misaki are also a couple, with their parents support! One day, when they come home from school, they found out that their parents had won a prize for a trip! What will happen on that trip?! And where would Misaki’s insecurity lead to?! *Sequel to Love Lover! Titles listed on 'contents' page: 1. Heartbeat Mail 2. 7 Kiss 3. Love Lover 4. Love Honey 5. Ojou-Sama no Okiniiri 6. Ojou-Sama no Okiiiri extra

Uchi No Tenshi Ga Kemono Deshita.

From LuffyNoTomo: Satou, Mitsuru is an otaku who designs female game characters. His latest female design just so happens to look like the live-in male house keeper named Ninomae, Nagisa. In order to see his character in the flesh, Mitsuru decides to have Nagisa as his new live-in house keeper! Ninomae, Nagisa is a young good looking guy. However, his cheeky appearance gives others the wrong impression. Even though his style is a bit flashy he's a sweet guy and the first person to realize this and not judge him based on his looks was Mitsuru. Therefore, Nagisa decides to make Mitsuru his lover--no matter what it takes. Even if that means turning from an angel into a beast! Mitsuru keeps rejecting Nagisa, but how can he resist someone who looks so much like his beloved angel like character he designed!

The Guests Of Hercules

The Guests Of Hercules summary: The Guests Of Hercules summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Guests Of Hercules. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Memoirs of the Court of Louis XIV. and of the Regency

Memoirs of the Court of Louis XIV. and of the Regency summary: Memoirs of the Court of Louis XIV. and of the Regency summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Memoirs of the Court of Louis XIV. and of the Regency. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Life and Amours of the Beautiful, Gay and Dashing Kate Percival

The Life and Amours of the Beautiful, Gay and Dashing Kate Percival summary: The Life and Amours of the Beautiful, Gay and Dashing Kate Percival summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Life and Amours of the Beautiful, Gay and Dashing Kate Percival. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fire And Ice

Fire And Ice summary: Fire And Ice summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fire And Ice. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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