




















简介【每周四更新】落魄公主,奉命入宫,深宫之内,群妃环伺,原本只想安稳度日的九公主霍雁菁竟然在误饮一杯酒后扶摇直上,连连晋升,引得冠宠后宫的万妃震怒,从此她屡次陷入陷阱,生活再无宁日…………… 冷酷的帝王,目的不明的将军,谁又到底是她的真命天子?






25岁的澄川春人,被自己的弟弟包养——?! 被包养的家里蹲春人(はると),正在为了死缠烂打求着女人替自己付房租。 交涉举步维艰之时,亲弟弟·朝日(あさひ)突然出现……! 一直在家人面前扮演着“完美兄长”形象、对于自己落魄的现状只字不提的春日费尽心思地想要掩饰这一切。 然而,在弟弟强行要求下被迫一起回到住处之后,朝日的生活暴露无遗……!? 令人焦急不已的交错之爱就此开幕! 而他们各自心中的那份“情


类别热血 玄幻 冒险




内容简介:外软内酷清冷少女X耳聋体不弱的大魔王时念念第一次遇到江妄,是在派出所门口,少年神色淡的染不上任何情绪。后来,她听说江妄去年出过事,耳朵也因此丧失听力,学校里大家对那次的事众说纷纭。时念 念以为,江妄是这个学校最不能惹的人时念念以为,在江妄脸上看不到任何有情绪的表情。直到她看到了江妄脸上沉沦的神色。少年身上的酒味和衣服上的皂角混合在一起,勾出异常清冽暧昧的味道。他下颚收紧,目光沉沉,克制而隐忍的在她耳边低声说——“小结巴,我喝了酒,现在特别想亲你,可以吗?”**长大以后。商场上的江妄雷厉风行,手段狠辣,一等的商人,冷血冷情,还不近女色,大家都说惹了江总就是自寻死路。直到那天慈善晚宴结束,男人被众人簇拥着出去,目光突然顿住。他步子急快,穿过众人几步走到路边那人面前,一手揽住她腰肢,弯腰,脑袋深埋进她颈窝。众人愣住,看惯了他在商场叱诧风云的模样,现如今却以一个很卑微的姿态把人狠狠搂在怀里。女人抬手,摸了摸他头发,轻柔的:“江妄。”他低声咒骂,忍不住浓浓的哽咽:“你还知道回来。”下一秒他肩膀颤抖起来,像是哭泣的频率。若世上只有那一个纯洁干净的灵魂,不论她是否会浸染罪恶,都将是属于我的。你是我的妄想,我的念念不忘。1w0-2657 >>


内容简介:刚穿越到玄幻世界里的斗破苍穹,魂天尘成为了远古八族里的魂族魂天帝的亲儿子。一出生,便拥有神品血脉,晋级斗宗!魂天帝:“我家天尘有成帝之姿!快把魂族全部资源都砸在他身上!助他早日成帝!” 熟知斗破苍穹剧情的魂天尘傻了眼,开局自己就成为了萧炎的对立面?我这不成大反派了吗?好在自己的身份有些牛逼,仔细想想还有些酸爽啊。魂族的第一天才便是本少爷,什么古族萧族等统统都要跪拜在本少爷脚下1w0-89636 >>




内容简介:随身空间我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场笔趣阁,随身空间我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场sodu,随身空间我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场小说,随身空间我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场顶点,随身空间我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场钱柏 琴,精选来自————我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场时代奇缘随身空间种田文爽文刚采了十万年份天灵芝的太上老君指挥着炼药小童:“把这些千年灵药炼制而成的次品给我扔垃圾场去。”“本仙女才不会去种地呢。”九天玄女蹙着眉将上古谷神的传承随手一抛。玉简穿过了殿门,又经过了天河,碰到了电母……最后落在了仙界的垃圾场。打赌赢了火神的灶神兴冲冲的揣着天火闪进了宫殿,“终于可以把豆芽菜真火扔垃圾场去了。”下界钱柏琴掏着拖拉机车斗,心里想着这次会是什么宝贝呢?仙界第二天仙界垃圾管理员挠着脑袋:“垃圾怎么越来越少了?”小剧场:某天仙界垃圾管理员终于发现垃圾失窃了,这一消息瞬间传遍了仙界,而那个小偷是下界的一个凡人。“听说了吗,垃圾场被偷了,还是个凡人。”“仙界没人不知道了吧,那个凡人把垃圾当宝贝,真是太太太穷了,真可怜!”“看,她乐的跟个哮天犬啃到了肉骨头一样。”“她还找不到地方藏,居然放到了……”钱柏琴:我是人生赢家╯--╯╧╧11w0-110789 >>

穿进霸总世界的抖M 【NPH SM】

内容简介:穿进霸总世界的抖M【NPHSM】是由一闪一闪所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供穿进霸总世界的抖M【NPHSM】最新章节阅读穿进霸总世界的抖M【NPHSM】全文阅读穿进霸总世界的抖M【NPH SM】免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现穿进霸总世界的抖M【NPHSM】更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-76610 >>


内容简介:穿越火影世界,成为宇智波族人,还有一两年第三次忍界大战就要开战了,好慌。关键时刻,金手指上线,抽取角色获得该角色的随机一项能力,那我岂不是……“拳王梅威瑟的提肩防守、烹鱼宴的飞身十字固 、马师傅的闪电五连鞭、杰克·马的功守道……这都什么辣鸡技能?”1w0-34995 >>

Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W: Episode Zero

Before the outbreak of the colony war, forces were at work shaping the future and preparing its players for the final game. As children, Heero, Relena, Duo, Trowa, Quatre and Wufei have endured more pain and difficulties than most people experience in a lifetime and would have broken the will of any normal person. Learn their stories and motivations for becoming prominent characters in shaping the future of the world. Each chapter is named after a character and features that character's past/origins. According to Sumisawa (author), the events of Episode Zero were supposed to appear in the TV series, just after episode 27. But due to complications in the production schedule, things didn't go as planned and it was eventually omitted. Episode Zero was created per Ikeda Masashi's (director) request. Reading direction: Right to left

Sonna No Koi Ja Nai

1) Why is it This Painful? Chiaki found out that her boyfriend had another girlfriend besides herself, and she ended their relationship while they still loved each other. A few years later, Chiaki meets up with the ex, Konishi, but she already has a boyfriend! 2) That's Not Love Hirobayashi-senpai breaks up with Minako, and she complies because she's hopelessly in love with him, but that doesn't mean she's going to give up on loving him so easily. Her underclassman Shimanuki isn't going to give up on her just yet, either. 3) Sweetheart Tomohiro breaks up with Kana, and she thinks she's okay, thinking that she could easily replace her feelings for him; but after deciding to act like nothing happened between them for a while, he comes back the next day and wants to walk home together, and they become just friends. 4) I Just Want You to Be With Me Story involves a girl named Mami who initially believes that her relationship with her longtime boyfriend has gotten boring. To make matters worse, this cute guy at her workplace kissed her out of the blue one afternoon, which got her questioning her 'love' for her boyfriend even more. So the classic thing happens... they break up. But is that all there is to it? She didn't love him, right? 5) Holding Hands (Joining Hands) Hitoshi-kun has a secret girlfriend, whilst having and official girlfriend that he's been dating for two years. Will the secret girlfriend be okay with being second in his life?

Yaneura No Majo

From Dazzling Scans: A collection of interlinked oneshot stories, Yaneura no Majou tells the story of students from Sannosan High School as they are preparing for the Culture Festival. • Lilith Asumi is responsible for writing the play that will be performed this year, but struggles to relate to her own characters—especially that of Lilith the Witch—until she reflects on her relationship between her childhood friend Asami. • Ground Woodpecker Michi loves fortune telling, but when she helps her childhood friend Satoshi with his crush on fellow classmate Mikako by performing a magic trick, something seems strange. Her magic actually works! Satoshi begins to change and even gets the girl; however, Michi becomes obsessed with the bird that she saw while performing the trick... and she joins the bird watching club in order to find it again. • Eve Suzuki Mie is the president of the bird watching club and is assigned to put the yearbook together with committee member and star of this year's play, Kawahara Hisaki—who plays Adam. After getting to know each other, Hisaki-kun discovers that Mie is dating a girl: also named Suzuki Mie, the girl who has been cast in the role of Eve in the play. • Lilith and Venus Mikako has always envied her older sister's relationship with her boyfriend Motomu-kun. Thus, the beautiful Mikako begins dating Satoshi, who seems to possess similar qualities to Motomu. However, when she finds that they aren't so similar after all, she's faced with a crisis. • After Mary, It's Eve and Pandora Rieko, after hearing that Asami is single, confesses to him even though she knows he just broke up with a girl he liked for a long time. After a series of events, she ends up opening the Pandora's Box that she received from her father when she was young. She believes this to be the cause of a series of disasters that happens, but ultimately she's left with...?

Gekka Mugentan

From Midnight Scans: Ever since the school entrance ceremony, Sayako, a high school student, has been wary of her classmate Rou who is in the same committee. However, Rou harbors the secret of his true identity. Sayako's body began to change, and she realizes that her peaceful days are over. As the gears quietly turn, the frightening door of fate opens!

Legend Of The Perfect Emperor

Legend Of The Perfect Emperor summary: Born with heavenly talent, supported by a family with a status above all, and in addition to his beyond perfect features, Tian Yi was the perfect man every maiden desired.
However, because of his flawless features, Tian Yi was confined inside his home by his parents for nearly his entire life, fearing the chaos he would cause just by walking around.
After learning that he would take over his father 's position as the next Celestial Emperor, Tian Yi decided to run away to the outside world.
There, the legend of a perfect emperor begins.

Dere Mable

Dere Mable summary: Dere Mable summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dere Mable. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community

The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community summary: The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ascenders Rift

Ascenders Rift summary: Ascenders Rift summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ascenders Rift. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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