


















类别都市 恋爱 少女 总裁














内容简介:那一年,唐三还没有出生。那一年,比比东的肚子刚刚大起来。那一年,千寻疾还没有喝下那碗砒霜。那一年,玉小刚在无数个夜晚买醉。伤不起啊,真的伤不起~~我想你想你想你想的昏天黑地~~进来玩呀 !来了,老弟!书名又为《我开局被比比东生了下来》,《斗罗之yanmu》。啊,哈哈哈哈花蛤。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《斗罗之开局成为比比东之子》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69300 >>


内容简介:  PS:本书别名——《宠物进化》新纪元来临,天地异变。地星本土动植物疯狂变异、返祖,异界物种沦落地星,最终新纪元人类诞生一种全新的职业御使。收服怪物,培养怪物,训练怪物,这就是御使。 一个怀揣着梦想的少年懵懵憧憧的被一脚踢入这个黄金盛世。高鹏:就算是一条泥鳅,我也能将他进化成一只翱翔九天的真龙。-------------------------------------------致敬《宠魅》、《神奇宝贝》、《数码宝贝》,致敬我们每个人都有过的神宠梦。这是一本纯粹的宠物文。本书目前只有QQ读者交流群:724478458,有兴趣的朋友可以加入。1w0-370 >>


内容简介:被太子娇藏后是由一二霜白所写的穿越架空类小说,本站提供被太子娇藏后最新章节阅读被太子娇藏后全文阅读被太子娇藏后免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现被太子娇藏后更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w 0-82392 >>




内容简介:【下一本写:】《替身皇后她不想争宠》,专栏可收藏【文案一:】酸汤粉儿,酱牛肉。客官,可要再来一碗新品紫米圆子?今早上岸的鳜鱼,片好了肉,滚了粥。烤鸡配香茅;鲜蚝配蒜蓉;番茄配肥牛;洋芋 儿配紫葱。还有我家特制的椒碟儿,别处吃不着的,管够!【文案二:】明家长子明煜,年仅十五便军功加身,任禁军大都督数载,杀伐果断,与帝王《蜜儿》小说推荐:太岁、我在名著世界优雅老去、我给前夫当婶婶、望春山、宫女上位记、今天也想和师尊灵修、宫阙有贪欢、继房嫡女、剑名不奈何、咸鱼飞升、郅玄、女配修仙之逆袭路、本王在此、师兄皆大佬唯我小废柴、我为表叔画新妆、掌中美人、作精洗白手册(快穿)、江湖遍地是奇葩、炮灰原配的人生快穿、袖里春1w0-95455 >>


内容简介:白月光离家出走了白月光离家出走了小说阅读其它类型小说白月光离家出走了由作家山间云雾创作接档文求预收《又撞见他在捡破烂》本文文案叶青染的男友是顾氏集团的太子爷,两人交往四年,感情甜蜜,无 人不羡。然让叶青染没想到,枕边人竟有联姻对象,他从未想过娶她。更令人心寒的是,身边所有人都知道这件事,只有她被蒙在鼓里。当亲眼见到顾致深和他的未婚妻在办公室相拥时,她终于死心,割舍一切离开。顾致深从小被培养成为家族继承人,对所有事都能保持绝对的理性,他认为没有谁离不开谁。几天过去,听说她去了南方的城市。一个月后,她依旧没回来,呵……难道自己离开她就不能活了?两年过去,顾致深沉了沉眸子,终于承认,离开了她,真的快活不下去了,他习以为常的生活变得枯燥无味,如同一潭死水。两年后,叶青染过得平静如水,没想到竟又碰上顾致深,还被她发现他又欺骗涉世未深的小妹妹,呵……渣男!讥笑一声,对他避如蛇蝎。顾致深:“……”他没有,他不是。——————————————推荐基友连载文《你的笑比糖甜》by碧云西——————————————接档预收文:《又撞见他在捡破烂》宁言很讨厌公司新来的同事喻白泽。平时不修边幅得像流浪汉,还喜欢蹭吃,蹭得大家都很讨厌他。她最惨了,零食总是被他吃掉好多,偏偏他嬉皮笑脸的,又不好拒绝他。言言还经常撞见他拎着蛇皮袋捡破烂,更发现他住在天桥底下,大冬天裹着一条破毯子冷得瑟瑟发抖,身边堆满了捡来的破烂,两人目光一对视,被他发现自己窥见了他的秘密。他就更加理所应当吃她的饭,蹭她的奶茶,还戴她最喜欢的围巾。同事们帮着言言一块骂他,言言却不好说什么。因为在工作上他教了自己好多,下班错过末班车,他会用破单车载她回家。发了工资,他会悄悄买好多零食塞到她的抽屉里。还会在她生病的时候,给她买药、陪她去医院打针。言言发现自己好像有点喜欢他,可同事们都好讨厌他,那怎么办啊?言言托着腮苦恼好一阵,那偷偷跟他谈地下恋?后来同事们发现了,苦口婆心地劝:“言言,我们换一个好不好?你值得更好的。”天敌苏珊嘲笑她,“找谁不好?找这样一个cheap男人,笑死人了。”结果,cheap男人摇身一变,变成了相貌英俊、谈吐文雅的公司合伙人。大家这才知道他的身份,原来是首富的儿子下凡体验生活。不过现在太子爷体验完生活,要回去了。言言红着眼哭,“骗子!”同事们打抱不平,“负心汉!”苏珊笑到打鸣:“竹篮打水一场空。”然而下班后,喻白泽穿得犹如贵公子,半倚在一辆黑色迈巴赫上,手里捧着鲜花,笑容妖孽看来,“言言,我来接你下班。”————————————推荐基友连载文《你的笑比糖甜》by碧云西机缘巧合下陆思安和叶谦云合 >>

Binetsu Onsen

1-2) Onsen's Love Moment of Blis Kouichirou Fuji, a part time worker of lunch shop is so surprised to hear his colleague's experience of sexual molestation. Then Kouichirou feels too nervous for Takashi. All staffs are going to a hot spring as company outing but shop owner suddenly disappears with his lover leaving Kouichirou and Takashi alone. But Takashi turns out to be seme just like Kouichirou... 3) Couple's Time Takashi's senior student, Miura works at travel agency and give tickets of 'hot spring tour' to Takashi and Kouichirou. But Miura stays same hotel as his work and interferes the date of Takashi and Kouichirou... 4) A Passionate Onsen Retreat Kouichirou and Takashi go to Atami. They are obsessed with the ghosts of tragic couple of literature, Kan-ichi and Omiya at 'Omiya no Matsu' and quarrel about trifles... 5) The Deep Sweet Affection Between The Two of Us Kouichirou asks Takashi to live together but Takashi does not accept it. Then a new and cute part-time joins. He presses himself against Takashi because he should resign the work and part with Kouichirou. Takashi happens to see it... 6) Heart's Distance They go to Nikkou. There are theme parks of Ninja and Western. Kouichirou shows his good performance on the horse in front of TV crews. They are scouted for travel video. But Takashi nearly becomes the model of Adult pornographic video... 7) Your Radiance In My Heart They stay the cottage but quarrel about shopping. Under a stadium of stars, they are naturally reconciled...

I Became The Beastman’S Wife

During her nightly programming session, Yin Zhu suddenly died and was transmigrated into a world of beastmen. She found out that the original owner of her new body drugged Teng Xiao Her social awkwardness caused everyone to misunderstand her. She claimed to be uninterested in love and only cared about her career. From then on she used the system she created to help her tribe rise to the greatest from the wastelands. Starting from fine food, her covert changes stunned everyone. But why are whiny men coming to Yin Zhu every day telling her to stop doing business, and do them instead??Chun Chng Shurn Jio Q Hu W Hungle,I Became the Beast Girl,I Became the Beast's Girl,Chuan Cheng Shouren Jiao Qi Hou Wo Huangle,Passing Through to Be the Beastman's Pampered Wife After I Get Panicky,mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.

Kagerou Inazuma Mizu No Tsuki

A collection of stories set amongst the oiran (high-rank courtesans before the time of geisha) in (mostly) the Yoshiwara district of Edo, a famous historical 'red-light district.' 1. Kagerou no Shou When Kagerou was a child, her parents sold her to be trained as an oiran in Yoshiwara. On her way there, she fell in love with the man who transported her, Ryuuji, and insisted that he be her first sexual customer when she grew up. Now, she is approaching the time when she will lose her virginity, but will Ryuuji be able to be her first? 2. Inazuma no Shou Wakana works in Yoshiwara, but she plans to one day buy her own way out. She seduces presents out of the men who buy her, in order to save money for her future. But one man, Mitsunori, is not like all the others. Will the skilled seductress Wakana be able to cope with real emotion? 3. Mizu no Tsuki no Shou Suigetsu is approaching the time when she's meant to lose her virginity. One day, she miraculously meets with a relative who knows her by her real name: Saya. Is it possible for her to be rescued from this life? 4. Nagasaki Bojou Suigetsu, an oiran-in-training in Nagasaki, is slated to lose her virginity. However, she's been told she's going to have a Dutch man as a partner! She's frightened of sleeping with a foreigner who may not even speak her language! However, the man in question is nothing like she feared...


A coda to the OVA and novel of the same name, this six-chapter manga gives us a deeper glimpse into the back-stories of Rei Fukai, James Bukhar, Tomahawk John, and other members of the F.A.F. However, some of the details about the characters' pasts and relationships appear to deviate from the sequence of events as seen in the anime. Therefore, this manga should only be read after having first watched the anime or read the novel, and treated as an alternate story of sorts.

Jeppe on the Hill

Jeppe on the Hill summary: Jeppe on the Hill summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Jeppe on the Hill. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Watch--Work--Wait summary: Watch--Work--Wait summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Watch--Work--Wait. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Xianxia’s Working Emperor

Xianxia’s Working Emperor summary: In the Xianxia world, growing a field, making an opening in a mountain, creating a city, establishing a country, all are different.
Who? XX Emperor invited me to be his Chamberlain, don’t have time, My numerous types of spirit plants will fetch a costly price.
What? A Celestial G.o.ddess invited me to manage her garden, is she beautiful? Possible to negotiate!
Shopkeeper, this money I’ll give a split, You can have one portion while I’ll take the other nine, not satisfied? Alright then I will find someone else, go handle it yourself.
All these cultivators, too vexing, want me to manage this and that, I, your father am really busy! Believe it or not I will definitely fire you guys.

The Philosophy of Teaching

The Philosophy of Teaching summary: The Philosophy of Teaching summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Philosophy of Teaching. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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