
















类别都市 恋爱
















内容简介:方凡穿越到兵王归来小白文世界,成为一个小反派,获得随机选择系统,完成系统任务,就能活着就能变强。不曾想到被女主偷听心声,从此,女主人设崩了。乐文小说网各位书友要是觉得《反派:偷听心声, 女主人设崩了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68632 >>


内容简介:叶青阳,一个未及加冠就获得天师之名的奇才。但他凡心未泯,为了曾经救他一命的女孩,下山归入凡尘。且看极品天师入都市,在这红尘滚滚的凡世,创造一首动人心魄的壮丽篇章。1w69259-883 14 >>


内容简介:谢朝死于意外,在意识消亡的最后一刻,他听到了一个莫名出现的声音——“系统333为您服务,消除原主怨气值,可以获得重生一次的机会”①当把原主当成替身的总裁想要回头寻求原谅的时候;②当把原 主当成傻子骗的团团转的大明星跪在地上痛哭流涕的时候;③当把原主害的国破家亡的大将军想要祈求小皇帝再看他一眼的时候;④当嫌弃原主异能废物的基地大佬冲进丧尸群想要寻找他的时候;……谢朝拒绝了他们,看着他们追悔莫及的样子,怜悯又恶意地笑道——“知道我为什么不接受你吗?“因为我根本不是他,他已经死了,彻彻底底的死了,就算你后悔一万遍,忏悔到死……你永远也看不到他了。”“他最后想对你说的是——永不原谅。”阅读指南:1、攻不是渣们,攻另有其人2、不会原谅任何一个渣,不存在和渣HE的情况3、1v1,没有副CP注:网络一线牵,希望文明留言,坏话反弹公告9月23日正式入v,敬请期待!推荐预收文《你的信息素渣爆了》,即将开文,敬请期待!文案:沈洲和左屿做了七年的模范夫夫,信息素匹配度高达百分之百,却在第七年的结婚纪念日当天出了岔子,好好的结婚纪念日成了离婚纪念日。沈洲手里拿着离婚协议书,坐在沙发上自己思考,他不明白自己哪里出了岔子。他为左屿挡过刀;他为左屿差点残废;他为左屿被车撞了;他为左屿差点死了……一切都按照剧情来的,只要完成七年恩爱,他就能脱离这个世界,完成穿书任务了。可偏偏在临门一脚的时候,拿到了离婚协议书。到底是什么地方出了问题?沈洲百思不得其解。洗浴后的左屿走了过来,从身后抱住了沈洲,轻轻嗅了一下他脖颈的腺体,满足道,“宝贝儿,你的信息素真是诚实,简直渣爆了。”各位书友要是觉得《我在虐渣剧情里乘风破浪快穿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您的书友朋友推荐阅读哦1w0-29989 >>


内容简介:八十年代初期,特区的建设如火如荼。 但没人能想到就在几十公里外沙口区内一个叫红星村的小村庄里,村民们居然还在为分救济粮而打破头…… 刚刚重生就被开了瓢的杨明捂着脑袋,看着那群为了几十斤 救济粮拼命的村民,再想想要不了几年,特区发展就会辐射到这边…… “都别打了,选我当村长,我带你们发家致富奔小康!” 随着杨明扯开嗓子大吼,一个传奇的村子诞生了! 在杨明的带领下,红星村成就了无数个第一——人均万元户全国第一,人均GDP全球第一,人均豪车数宇宙第一…… “经济制裁?” “你们还是先问问咱们的红星村答不答应再说吧!” 面对叫嚣,无数键盘侠们微微一笑表示毫无压力。 杨明抹着额头上的冷汗,表示自己这个村长,压力有点大…… 1w0-3280 >>


内容简介:失忆后男友总在翻车笔趣阁,失忆后男友总在翻车sodu,失忆后男友总在翻车小说,失忆后男友总在翻车顶点,失忆后男友总在翻车宣梨,【已完结】隔壁连载文《强A突发性狗化综合征》已开求收藏推荐 基友校园abo甜文《绿茶Alpha太磨人》二班有一对死对头,整日针锋相对,同学们总觉得他俩有一天会打起来。后来,其中一个失忆了。谢淮青因车祸失去了半年记忆,复学第一天,有个帅哥总盯着他看。谢淮青:同学你谁?我们很熟吗?霍珹震惊道:你忘了吗?咱俩是一对啊。谢淮青:……不知该说是惊喜还是惊吓。谢淮青采取冷暴力,像个渣男一样等着霍珹主动提分手。一等就是一个学期。然后又一个学期。搞得谢淮青都习惯自己有个男朋友这件事了。只不过总觉得哪里不对劲,比如——同班同学:你俩什么时候关系这么好了?学校论坛:昔日仇敌如今基情四射为哪般班主任:你们能这样共同进步老师很欣慰啊,以前那样多伤和气。……谢淮青理了理霍珹的校服领子,温柔道:“以前哪样了?给你个机会,解释。”霍珹攻×谢淮青受————————————《强A突发性狗化综合征》文案:温慕穿成一篇abo耽美文的炮灰,成了霸总白月光的替身。金主alpha目光阴沉,喜怒无常,还很嫌弃他,温慕做好了被摧残折磨的准备。可是——温慕晚上不在家,裴书臣抱着他的衣服睡。温慕出门买个菜,裴书臣红着眼眶,坐在门口望眼欲穿地等他。温慕不小心沾到其他alpha的味道,裴书臣露出“你在外面有狗了”的心碎眼神。……啊这……金主对白月光真是用情至深,忘了他只是个替身吗。温慕一边心里咬手绢,一边rua金主大人的头发,日子过得纠结又分裂。后来,白月光和他的alpha分手了,温慕麻利收拾行李,拍拍金主的肩膀:“你的机会来了,祝你们百年好合。”裴书臣缓缓摩挲着Omega后颈的腺体:“谁?和他有什么关系?”“我只想和你百年好合。”————某天,裴书臣发觉自己身体有些异样,检查后,医生朋友沉重地告诉他,“你得了一种举世罕见的病,叫‘Alpha突发性狗化综合征’。”裴书臣:说人话。医生:就是人会时不时降智,表现出犬类行为。裴书臣:……裴书臣是名副其实的天之骄子人中龙凤,从没想过自己会患上一种如此丢人的病。这种病需要与他高度契合的Omega信息素来治疗,如果长时间得不到信息素的安抚,发病时间会越来越长,直到智商永远降低到一只狗的水平。然而……唯一一个和他匹配的Omega,正是几天前向他表白被他丢出去的温慕。冷漠傲慢真香攻×怂哒哒呆萌受日久生情,伪白月光,年上,攻比受大十岁————————————推荐基友连载校园abo甜饼《绿茶Alpha太磨人》by落孤谢凌是个装成顶级Alpha的Om >>



Koi Wakaba

From Shoujo Crusade: What does it mean to be in love? Inoue Fuuko has a huge crush on the handsome Takamiya-senpai but due to her over the top delusions, she's mistaken as a stalker. Even though Fuuko really likes her senpai, she just doesn't know how to approach him without her delusions being triggered! Find out what this total amateur in love will do to get her beloved's attention!

Tenshi No Pocket

From ShoujoMagic]: A collection of short stories 1) Angel's Pocket (Tenshi no Pocket) - When Sui refuses to date a stalker guy at school, he's insistent to the point of being scary. Sui starts to run, but then slips on the stairs... and lands on top of Taki -- the school delinquent! The stalker is still in pursuit, so Sui makes like she's going to run again, but Taki grabs her and kisses her!? The stalker gives up... and although one of Sui's problems has gone away, she now has a whole new one: Taki demands compensation for saving her. She has to become his slave...!? It's out of the frying pan and into the fire for poor Sui! 2) To You, the Avante-gardes - High school senior Mishima Kasuga hates the fact that she can't say no to anyone's requests... especially now that it has attracted the 200% weirdo junior Ikeda Tomoo to her. Rumor has it that when he wants something, he'll chase it to the ends of the earth. Can Kasuga find the nerve to say no to him? Or, better question: Does she want to...? She's going to have to figure it out soon, because graduation is coming up, and there's an entire junior class of girls who've developed crushes on Tomoo since Kasuga punched the glasses off his surprisingly handsome face! 3) I Have Love - Minazuki Kaoru, age 17, is a high school junior who still makes embarrassing mistakes like a freshman, but this one has got to be her worst... she accused the handsome goateed guy of being a pervert, ran away from him, and then found out that he's Nachi Takeshi, age 22, her new student teacher! He wanted to be a novelist, but turned to teaching when he realized he had no talent for it. All the girls in class are attracted to his boyish charm, yet he seems to lavish his most immature moments on Kaoru. In spite of herself, Kaoru wants to know more about Nacchan's world, through his novels. What will it take to make him open his books -- and his heart! -- to her...? 4) 9 o'Clock Bomb - Sakada Mayu was saved from a tight spot on the street by Nagato Hiroshi, a cute boy from her class, and then got a little too obvious about her attraction to him. That's when they were stopped by a photographer and asked to participate in a 'best couple' competition. Mayu was hesitant, Nagato wasn't -- and they won first prize! They're not really a couple, but now Mayu wants to change that... She gathers all her courage and coerces him into going with her to the fireworks festival at 9:00 PM -- and something's bound to explode!


Clannad is set in a high-school located in a Japanese town. Tomoya Okazaki is a third-year student who doesn't take his studies seriously. Always late for class, he's seen as a delinquent by the rest of his classmates who are busy preparing for their entrance examinations. Needless to say, he doesn't have too many close friends either. Tomoya seems not to mind too--until he meets a few other girls from his school. Though he doesn't care much about them at first, he soon opens his heart to them as they get to know each other better. Clannad is a romantic youth drama that's likely to be more down-to-earth than Key's other works. But like Kanon and Air, Clannad's story is expected to be another touching and heart-breaking weeper. Based off the game of the same name.

Cloud Walker

Arais: demons that prey on weak-minded humans, plunging their victims into despair and taking control. A selected few of humans who possess supernatural abilities, under the organization of Cloud Walker, are the only ones who can deal with them. Through an unfortunate encounter with an Arai, Kai Wattana is forced to make a deal with one of these demon himself... or is it the other way around?

Stand By Your Hitman

Stand By Your Hitman summary: Stand By Your Hitman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Stand By Your Hitman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Constitutional History of England from 1760 to 1860

The Constitutional History of England from 1760 to 1860 summary: The Constitutional History of England from 1760 to 1860 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Constitutional History of England from 1760 to 1860. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

This Hero Is Invincible But Too Cautious

This Hero Is Invincible But Too Cautious summary: Lista, a G.o.ddess from the G.o.d’s realm, has a huge task to accomplish. She must save the world Geabrande (with a S-rank difficulty salvation) from evil threats. To perform this task, she summons a hero from Planet Earth called Ryuguuin Seiya. This hero is exceptional and fully capable, but has one major problem: he is unbelievably cautious.

Stories by R. A. Lafferty Vol 2

Stories by R. A. Lafferty Vol 2 summary: Stories by R. A. Lafferty Vol 2 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Stories by R. A. Lafferty Vol 2. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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