
















简介一对婚前男女的生活故事,有趣,有理,幽默,光明。一点小坏,一点温情;一点保守,一点前卫;一点小资,一点草根;一点孩子气,一点大人腔……虽酸甜苦辣咸五味俱全,但整体上搭配得口味清淡宜口,且还有些营养。转载请到苦笑的QQ空间http://79043708.qzone.qq.com/出版约稿采访等请联系邮箱[email protected]






简介 每周五更新!高中女生林晓熏无意中在爷爷的书房里发现了一卷古代的画轴,并被画中禁锢的少年扯进了纷乱的战国时代。在追寻回去的道路时,林晓熏一点点的发现了围绕在自己身上的疑团,原来自己来到这里并不是偶然。错乱的时空和紧紧依附于身上的宿命,都让这个普通的少女倍感迷茫。










内容简介:穿越到玄幻版的战国东瀛,百鬼夜行,战乱不断。本以为我也能进入玄幻的领域,却没想到自己没有任何修炼天赋,武士、忍者、僧人、阴阳师一个也当不了。好不容易穿越一次,人生没追求和咸鱼还有什么区 别?哪怕是堕入妖道…1w0-72659 >>


内容简介:特种兵陈天生,魂穿亮剑世界,练民兵,组建县大队。不知不觉间,成长为独立团最强战力。李家坡之战;赵刚:“老李,山崎大队全军覆没了!”正排兵布阵的李云龙一脸懵逼:“什么?老子们还没开始进攻 ,山崎大队就没了?谁干的?”平安格勒战役;刑副团长一脸担忧对李云龙道:“团长,鬼子多股增援部队正在赶来……”李云龙丝毫不慌,大手一挥道:“不要紧,命令陈天生率领县大队,先给老子灭了敌人的1w0-33447 >>






内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者一条颜狗的经典小说:《他有那个大病》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说原名《傅先生有病》35岁身价千亿的傅先生对“活着”这件事并不抱任何期待, 浑身上下到处是病却从不听医嘱,正值壮年却已看破生死,整天穿着一身中老年款的唐装,手持紫檀木烫金拐杖,样貌虽然英俊,可心理年龄却已是一脚踏入棺材的境界。唐淳觉得,这位傅先生多多少少脑子有点问题。见到傅先生的第一天,唐淳指着傅先生手中的拐杖问道:“傅先生腿脚不好?”管家满脸严肃道:“是先生的风湿性关节炎又犯了。”唐淳:“……”作1w0-76552 >>


内容简介:本书共收录了ahref《孽海》a、《家仇》、《沉红》、《心狱》和ahref《沉沦的土地》a共五篇中短篇小说。《沉红》讲述了一个青楼妓女和几个铁腕男人的传奇故事,这个传奇故事里的男人全是 那么有情有义,然而,正是这撼天动地的情义,最终把女主人公逼上了绝路;《家仇》恰恰相反,女主人公为父复仇,处心积虑地寻找男子汉,可最终也没找到,于是,红妆巾帼被迫持枪上阵了;ahref《孽海》a通过我国早期的一场股票投机,讲述了一个乱伦的爱情故事,揭示了物欲和肉欲给人们造成的双重毁灭;《心狱》描绘了一个活棺材似的封建大家庭里灵与肉的悲剧;ahref《沉沦的土地》a系作者早年的成名作,在几万字的短小篇幅里,把旧中国一段民族工业的历史入木三分地描述出来,今天读来仍让人感叹不已。周梅森鼎力大作,必看都市小说。1w0-72163 >>

Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha

Fushimi Inari has a hopeless crush on her classmate Tanbabashi. One day, while trying to interact with him, she accidentally humiliates him in front of the whole class. He refuses to accept her apologies, and, to make matters worse, she discovers that he probably has a crush on their incredibly cute classmate Sumizome. She has all these things in mind when she is summoned by Uka-no-Mitama-no-kami, a pale fox goddess. In return for rescuing a little fox-spirit creature before school that day, the goddess offers to grant a single wish of Inari's. Without thinking, she blurts out that she wants to be Sumizome. As one might expect, this wish does not go nearly as well as Inari had hoped, and the kindly goddess breaks a goddess-rule to give Inari the ability to change herself back. Now, Inari can change her own shape at will, and using her new skill is very tempting as she keeps trying to win Tanbabashi's heart. But if Inari flaunts her ability, both she and the goddess might end up in trouble with Amaterasu!

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Pamela Censured

Pamela Censured summary: Pamela Censured summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pamela Censured. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Pirate In Naruto World

Pirate In Naruto World summary: Pirate In Naruto World summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pirate In Naruto World. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Life in Dixie during the War

Life in Dixie during the War summary: Life in Dixie during the War summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Life in Dixie during the War. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Dream of the North Sea

A Dream of the North Sea summary: A Dream of the North Sea summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Dream of the North Sea. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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