




















类别恋爱 霸总 真人














内容简介:潘敬幼时父母双亡,急于求生的少女被糟了心的星探挖走,遭受了难以磨灭的痛xA她不愿泯灭于灰尘,汲汲营营,一心往上爬xA她自私,她一心为己,她抓住一切机会,对其他漠不关心xA终于站在了被仰 望的高度,却发现xA毫无意义xAxA后来,她重活一次xA这一次,她活的不一样xA她是不幸的xA可她不愿再让任何人不幸xAxA根据前世记忆,潘敬能买彩票、买房、买股票xA她可以当上富二代的亲妈xA还可以演注定爆红的戏份xA上天给了她机会走“EASY”模式的路xA但她偏不xA这份运气,她想分一分、匀一匀xA和那些绝望的、被抛弃的、被糟践的人一起xA过一过普通人的好日子xAxA女主人间菩萨xAxAxAxA下一本预收《天下刀俎》求收藏(鞠躬)xAxA长公主以为自己一手好牌,马上就天下之尊xAxA她的皇帝亲哥就快死了xAxA安插在大将军身边的刺客随时可以行动xAxA太子是个傻子,太子妃精明、但娘家势弱xAxA怎么看都是一局必胜好棋,让太子侄子当个傀儡皇帝,自己垂帘听政xAxA天下马上握于掌中xAxA只是,当万民成了一个个活生生的人xAxA长公主才明白,生杀大权不是那么好拿的xAxA慈不掌兵,善不握权xAxA对长公主而言xAxA这天下就是刀俎xAxA她愿为鱼肉1w0-30021 >>


内容简介:小甜饼,日更。不更会补。CP是小白花变态美人攻x胸大无脑(不是)帅哥受,不要站逆了哟隔壁沙雕甜文《这年头连鱼都有猫了》求收藏本文文案:赵闻筝穿成了某玄幻文里的一恶毒炮灰。原主嫉恨主角能 得到师兄的关注,恶意设计废了他的双腿,弄瞎了他的眼睛,又逼他下嫁给自己,日夜折磨。最后原主死于非命。大婚之夜,赵闻筝看看凄惨的主角,再想想一周后更凄惨的自己,咬牙握住主角冰冷的手。——你我已结为夫妻,从今往后,我会敬你、爱你,竭尽所能对你好。——可我只是一个废人。赵闻筝心里一凉:我会治好你的。一周后,师兄打上门,赵闻筝闭眼等死,主角却握住了他的手,对师兄说:不是他,你找错人了。赵闻筝死里逃生,看着两人交握的手,愧疚又感动,暗暗发誓要真心对他,不久却撞破主角与师兄的密谈:师兄:为何临时变卦?主角一改白日里的温柔怯弱,笑意凉薄:我只是突然觉得,亲手折磨他,更有意思。惊觉受骗,赵闻筝又气又难过,他一拍桌子,一不做二不休,当场把主角敲晕带走,从此就变成他一个人的!主角:等等,这不是我的戏份吗?——————————————↓↓↓隔壁沙雕甜文《这年头连鱼都有猫了》求收藏文案:穿成男主养的一条锦鲤,日夜被男主家的猫虎视眈眈,为了苟命,景毓不得不奋力修成人形,阴差阳错拜男主为师。男主是天上仙君下凡历劫,他跟着男主耀武扬威,远离傻猫不说,日后没准还能捞个神仙当当,别提多美了。直到男主渡劫,被天雷劈出了毛绒绒的大尾巴。“……”“师、师尊,你是猫?”景毓人傻了。毛绒绒的大尾巴勾住他的腰是啊。景毓就被猫师尊叼回了天上,心灰意冷感叹自己好一波千里送储备粮,瞧给这猫得意的。他想他怕是当不成神仙了。——他当了天后。——————————————接档自攻自受文《龙傲天光环消失之后》求收藏文案:迟宥一开始就知道自己是龙傲天的命,十二岁掉崖获不世传承、十五岁拜得明师、十八岁左右拥抱,从此走向人生巔峰。然而……十二岁,悬崖蹦极,活了,传承没见着。十五岁,拜入师门,成了,师父已收徒。十八岁,师姐师妹,纷纷心有所属。迟宥深夜借酒浇愁:这个龙傲天,不当也罢!他放弃治疗时,小师叔出现了。小师叔是宗门传奇,年纪轻轻就是名震八荒的第一剑仙。可惜生来体弱,拔一次剑要躺三年。上次出剑后就一直闭关不出。一出关就直奔迟宥而来。他夸迟宥天分高,剑术好,眼下不过是明珠蒙尘,假以时日必是人上人。迟宥被夸得晕乎乎,引以为知己。于是两人越走越近,渐渐同进同出同吃同睡同床共枕。宗门绯闻四起。迟宥大惊失色,忙澄清说,他绝无不轨之心。哦,小师叔想了想,可是我有。迟宥呆住。他看着小师叔含笑的眼眸,脸一红,觉得……自己的心思也不纯洁了。温缱看着 >>


内容简介:韩泽重生后,发现上有大佬罩着,下有精英擎着,右有老攻护着,左有金手指帮着,这日子也是过的没谁了!本文一对一,有金手指,有虐渣,有雷,我借用了现代的一些时间和事件,历史却无处考究,也无处 可寻,不喜欢误入,甜文。晋江独发,谢绝转载!周四入V,入二十一章倒V,看过的就不要买了,谢谢大家伙支持!1w0-112211 >>


内容简介:  平平无奇的李诚突然得到诸天万界日行一善系统,开启穿越之旅,第一站,从港影综合大位面开始。1w0-1725


内容简介:“这是哪?”“也许是忘川吧”“我已经死了?”“是,所以我来送送你。”“你是谁?”“无常”“从未听闻这世间有无常。”“往后我就是了!”魂过忘川,念留彼岸。得于众生,还于众生。苏墨一觉醒来 已非往世,入京赶考又意外入了仙局,获得了通幽之力。以通幽之力,布局仙路。只是这世间的真相,苏墨看不清1w76158-125092 >>

Nousatsu Rock Star

A special oneshot by Kamaro Kikuchi from Betsucomi, it was then serialized under the title Nousatsu Rock Shounen. Fujisaki Maki once had a peaceful life, but one day, she decides to help Nobitani, who was being bullied, and now everyone's bullying her! Because Nobitani feels guilty, he gives Maki tickets to a famous local band called 'East Robo'. Maki decides to go and during the concert, the leader singer plays a ballard and is looking at Maki?!


Set in a mythological time and place, Ja-Dou recounts the struggles of the heirs to kingdoms of heaven and their comrades, to repel the demonic forces that sometimes make their way into heaven. Ashray is the son of the Flame Emperor, small for his age, and cursed with a fiery temper. He also has to hide the fact that he has a horn, a trait usually associated with demons. His father keeps appointing assistants to keep an eye on him, but keeping up with Ashray is hard work, and the first six have died in the line of duty. Can Alan Seoul, his newly appointed seventh assistant, last a little longer than the first six? Teiou is a prince of the eastern kingdom of air. His best friend and lover is Keika, a mazoku, or demon, in human form. Tiarandear, is the Prince of the western kingdom of water. As chief of all the gods it is his job to maintain harmony in heaven and to direct and control human history. He loves Ashray, but how long can he keep protecting Ashray from the consequences of his violent temper? And if it should become known across heaven that Ashray might be part demon? (For some reason, halfway into the 2nd volume there still is no mention of the northern prince.)

Rare Love

Nanato Shirogane, a stray boy werewolf, hides his identity and goes to a high school. The schools two most popular guys – brothers Mikado Isaki and En Isaki, twin sons of the owner of the school, suddenly confess’ their love to Nanato because they saw Nanato's real face under his eye glasses. But the full moon makes Nanato transform into a wolf and the Isaki’s now know his secret. Enter then Kuro, a fox, enemy of Werewolves, who tries to kill Nanato because it was the only way Kuro’s clan would accept an ostracized fox like him. Additional oneshot : an idol meets again his elder friend he has known since their orphans' home. But his friend pretends not to know him...

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Sally of Missouri

Sally of Missouri summary: Sally of Missouri summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sally of Missouri. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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The Plowshare and the Sword

The Plowshare and the Sword summary: The Plowshare and the Sword summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Plowshare and the Sword. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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