




简介云天空同名小说改编。王子流落民间十年,受尽凄苦。随着一重重慧眼天赋觉醒,希罗招募了诸多的强力伙伴,凭借着强大的圣灵兽,一路励志、搞笑的与敌人展开了战斗。一战之下,希罗才知道,当年的事情并没有那么简单。更大的黑幕,才刚刚露出一丝端倪!每周四更新。邮箱[email protected]


























简介我叫简羽,今年20岁,大四学生,宁州人。 为了以后能在宁州有更好的发展,我以超低的价格在大学城附近买了一套小别墅。 我的生活就从这个小别墅发生了翻天覆地的变化......


内容简介:  【1V1】算命先生说唐绾注孤生,她不信,她有钱有颜,怎么会嫁不出去?  结果她谈了99个男朋友,每个都在一个月内找到了真爱甩了她!最后一个还在结婚当天跟别的女人跑了。唐绾表示不服, 随手拉个男人结婚,却直接翘辫子了!然后被绑定了一个爸爸系统。  爸爸系统:想要一个完美老公吗?不要998,不要888,只要绑定我爸爸系统,完美老公给你送到家!  唐绾:爸爸?EXM?  爸爸系统(羞涩):闺女你好~叫爸爸,你想要什么样的女婿都给你!  绑定系统后,唐绾只想掐死系统。说好的完美老公?!这性子歪曲的男人,谁敢要啊?!这不是在坑我?爸爸系统(无辜):闺女,爸爸怎么会坑你呢?你看看,不是潜力股?不是高颜值大长腿?  唐绾:……  群号:7022113091w0-68 >>


内容简介:官场艳史最新章节由网友提供,《官场艳史》全文阅读是太阳跟月亮倾力打造的一本玄幻魔幻小说,小兵提供官场艳史txt下载,简介:一个掌握着着至高权利而为所欲为的人。有人说他是一个好色如命,贪 婪,卑鄙,无耻下流的人。又有人说他是一个为百姓办实事,办好事,明察秋毫的大清官。是非功过,又谁人说得清楚呢?偶叶宇问心无愧就是了。本书所有的故事纯属虚构,请勿对号入座。本书以节奏来说应该属于慢慢热型的各位书友一章一章接着看应该会很好看的暧昧YD还是种马都有1w0-76972 >>




内容简介:  一白发老者哭丧着脸:“医生,我中了衰老术只有一年好活了,我才20啊,还有救吗?”  吴斯摆摆手:“别慌,只是脱水、酪氨酸酶活性降低、激素水平下降而已,验个血然后去补液,再做个机体活 性化治疗就好了。下一个!”  “Ruaaaaa!!呃……”张着血盆大口的幽冥狼刚冲进来,就被吴斯扼住脖子捏成了渣渣。  拍拍手,他有些不满:“保安怎么做事的,狗子都放进来了。”  “吴医生,这病人快不行啦!中了女妖尖啸,现在室颤了!”护士高呼。  “除颤仪接上,备300毫克胺碘酮!再把咱的同频脑电干涉仪给他戴上,我这就来。”吴斯身影瞬间消失,甚至留了个在开医嘱的残像……1w0-3428 >>


内容简介:林北重新进入【第二世界】,觉醒SSS级天赋——无限BUFF!【无限BUFF:SSS级,所有对玩家的增益BUFF,持续时间调整为无限!】从此,林北踏上了封神之路!使用恢复药剂,生命永久每 秒恢复100点!使用技能土遁术,获得永久遁地效果!使用潜行术,获得永久潜行效果!使用疾行卷轴,移速永久提升25!使用狂暴术,暴击率30,暴击伤害100,持续时间永久!“哈哈,天赋在手,天下我有!”1w0-97062 >>


内容简介:手机电子书《男校的雌孔雀》全集jar电子书格式内附全文TXT版文本文档方便阅读书籍类别:青春校园作者:冷风无奈《男校的雌孔雀》内容简介拥有3000多人的玉兰男子高校有一种风俗,就是每年 从高一新生中挑选出3个长相漂亮的男生扮演“公主”角色调节学校清一色男生的气氛,而主角刘云刚刚转校过来就被学生会诱惑着承担了这个“公主”的身份,每天和其他两个“公主”穿着漂亮的女装行走在校园中。但是没有想到的是,还没来得及适应“公主”的工作的刘云,却突然间变身成了真正的女生!借助“公主”的身份,刘云努力的尝试着隐瞒着自己的身份,但是,事情往往都没有那么简单……1w0-66731 >>

Coponicus No Kokyuu

From Aestheticism: The story happens in a circus in Paris in the 1970's. (...) Much is made of the romance of the circus atmosphere, of flying through the air on a trapeze, etc etc. Think cirque here, not circus. We're doing Old World riffs on the romance and tawdriness of the ring. There are no elephants in tutus walking on their hind legs; it's slit-eyed jugglers and daring death-loving trapeze artists and sad Pierrot clowns, even if the Pierrot clown - our hero, Torinosu, 'Bird's Nest' - has a false red nose. The tawdriness comes from the circus master pimping out his performers to anyone willing to pay. (...) And there's tanbi decadence - ghosts who wander into the action looking like teenaged girls even if they're the hero's brother, and abandoned neurotic women with a thing for inflicting pain, and buracon and possible murder and unspoken pining and a hero who looks about to perish at any moment from terminal angst.


A new transfer student appears. Nanahara Ayabuki is Kusunori Kaori`s childhood friend that moved away after the two of them had a small argument. Now she has returned and ended up in the same class as Kaori. A story of a precious pair of earrings and maybe somethin`more than a friendship. Read and see! [Summary by NephThys]

Kindan Princess

Story 1: A girl's father is caught red-handed for fraud. As a result, she is forced to move into the home of the director of the company. Little does she know, that this man is a true pervert, and thus begins a horrible nightmare... Story 2: The director of the school invites four male students to seduce her daugther, their classmate. The winner gets a set future. Who will win?

Dear Green

Continuation of Yukari and Otoumi's story, which begins in Hitomi no ounowa (dear green). 1. Forever Flatmates Yukari and Otoumi know they must one day reveal the truth about their relationship to an important person: Ryouko. Especially after she sent invitations to a celebration of her upcoming wedding. How will she react when she finds out that her best friend's dating her ex-boyfriend? 2. The One I Like the Most A schoolgirl's crush causes a hiccup in Yuraki and Otoumi's relationship. 3. Living Together A humorous flashback to how Otoumi and Yuraki come to live together. 4. The Situation to Take For Granted With parental pressure on Otoumi to make marriage plans, he becomes aware of what he takes for granted ~ and what he certainly doesn't. 5. Love's Murmurs (oneshot) High school student Shinya reacted badly when Takashi ~ his boyfriend of six months and an electronic salesman ~ suggested he should go home for New Year's. 6. Repeated Problem Although Takechi rejected his closest friend Hakata's unexpected love confession, he doggedly kept their friendship going. But when gossip about Hakata's homosexuality begins to circulate at their university, Takechi is forced to question his friendship with Hakata. 7. The Relationship That Can't Be Washed Away Continuation of Takechi and Hakata's relationship. 8. Afterword 9. Vacation Time A humorous two-page look at one day of Yukari and Otoumi's home life.

A Little Girl in Old New York

A Little Girl in Old New York summary: A Little Girl in Old New York summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Little Girl in Old New York. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dragon's Soul

Dragon's Soul summary: Dragon's Soul summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dragon's Soul. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Awakening of China

The Awakening of China summary: The Awakening of China summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Awakening of China. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Contract With God

Contract With God summary: Contract With God summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Contract With God. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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