








类别热血 搞笑 少年
























内容简介:成为令人眼红的傅太太,从此不断有莺莺燕燕来叫嚣。唐锦瑟看着对方挺着孕肚来逼宫,挑眉淡笑:“我老公不举,确定这孩子是他的?”莺莺燕燕:“……!!!”傅靳言拧眉,上前搂腰,“傅太太,你的安 全期过了,今天晚上我申请为自己正名!”1w16114-25832 >>


内容简介:预收文《玫瑰禁区》《软话》欢迎收藏TvT从小到大,言意最害怕的就是那司家的大哥哥,每次只要她不听话,她爸妈就会说——“再不听话,就把你丢到司家去。”高三那年,言意书包里掉出来一封情书, 正好被她爸妈看见。她爸妈都在国外,没时间看着她,真打算把她丢到司蕴寒那里。言意誓死不从,后来司蕴寒亲自过来接人,言意又怂又委屈地跟着司蕴寒走了。1w0-28362 >>


内容简介:一觉醒来,意外成为了格罗玛什之子,夺舍了加尔鲁什的身体之后,那必须要书写属于地狱咆哮家族的神话。只是在这个魔法遍地走的世界,区区一介战士要怎么才能雄霸天下呢?叮恭喜你获得签到系统,每日 挥动战斧一百五十下,就能获得一次抽奖机会,每日举盾格挡一百五十下,就能获得一次抽奖机会,每日身穿铠甲奔跑十五公里,就能获得一次抽奖机会。在分崩离析的德拉诺世界,加尔鲁什孜孜不倦的完成签到任务,等到羽翼丰满之时,就1w0-30027 >>


内容简介:世界级顶尖杀手罗空明,因为厌倦了杀戮和被组织操控的生活,在一次任务当中故意失手被杀,死后降生在一个现代化的仙侠世界——修真世界的校园风云借鉴西方魔法体系所设定的道法体系冷兵器和热兵器的 交锋高列车上的道法颠峰对决在现代化大都市中和妖兽们肆无忌惮的战斗这是一本披着仙侠皮的魔幻类书籍作者:开荒所写的《八荒诛魔录》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-99327 >>


内容简介:文案牧逸重生之后,痛定思痛,绝不重蹈覆辙,一手融灵鞭,势必要将徒儿劝上归途,孩子还是要从小打起。然而穿越过来的谢念刚从牢中出来,于人群之中远远的看到了他后半辈子的师尊。谢念:那个长的一 脸刻薄相的就是我师尊?系统:那是高冷禁欲谢念:呵,谢杜鹃的大名取的是够高冷禁欲的系统:……于人群中那匆匆一眼,两看相厌。师徒真香,师傅一心想要劝徒弟归入正途,将徒弟的性取向打回来,却不慎自己陷了进去。分类:甜文HE仙侠架空穿越重生1w0-108126 >>


内容简介:林佑穿越到斗罗大陆,觉醒了魂兽图鉴收集系统。只要不断收集魂兽,将它们纳入图鉴之中,就可以获得丰厚的奖励!【您收录了百年“凤尾鸡冠蛇”图鉴,获得奖励“先天满魂力”!】【您收录了千年“暗金 恐爪熊”图鉴,获得奖励“外附魂骨”!】【您收录了十万年“蓝银皇”图鉴,开启绑定“蓝银皇武魂”,获得“阿银”人类形态!】集合魂兽的力量,他一步步屹立于世界强者之巅。林佑:“唐三?武魂殿?两大帝国?……不,我只对魂兽感兴趣,谁也别想阻挡我成为魂兽饲养员!”唐三:“万恶的林佑!不许碰我妈!”玉小刚:“此人强得完全不讲道理,我的理论崩塌了!”比比东:“十万年魂兽都被林佑收走了!想要魂环,难道要我去求他才行吗?”拳打唐三,揭穿大师,征服武魂殿。斗罗大陆真正的守护神只有一个。p1w0-78936 >>

Four Shoujo Stories

Taken from Baka-updates: An anthology of oneshots. Story 1: Promise by NISHI Keiko Story 2: They were Eleven by HAGIO Moto Story 3: The Changeling by SATO Shio Story 4: Since You've Been Gone by NISHI Keiko The two stories by NISHI Keiko were also published as a separate book in English called 'Promise.' Those stories were originally taken from 'Mizu ga Kooru ni Naru Toki.'


Tarot Cards! For centuries they have been used to tell the fortunes of nobles and royalty. Used by many people, they are composed of 22 major cards and 56 minor cards based on Sephirot, the Tree of Life. Among those users, there have been some who materialize the cards' images and meanings and apply them to reality. People who use these powers are known as 'tarot users'. The first and the oldest tarot user, 'Ascanio Maria Sforza'. The first 22 tarot cards she ever made. And there was a legend amongst the tarot users. The one who collected all those cards could be granted any wish. That was the legend! Those oldest cards have been called 'Visconti Sforza'!!

Apollo's Song

Apollo’s Song follows the tragic journey of Shogo, a young man whose abusive childhood has instilled in him a loathing for love so profound he finds himself compelled to acts of violence when he is witness to any act of intimacy or affection whether by human or beast. His hate is such that the gods intervene, cursing Shogo to experience love throughout the ages ultimately to have it ripped from his heart every time. From the Nazi atrocities of World War II to a dystopian future of human cloning, Shogo loses his heart, in so doing, healing the psychic scars of his childhood hatred.

Boku Dake Ni Kiss Wo Shite

1) Please Kiss Me Why does Kei pick Setsu up everyday and then ignore him at school? Setsu wonders is he special or just a bother. 2) Rag Doll Honey It's been six months of dating why won't Kotori let Ryouta into his place? 3) Sweet Life Living together to save money is fine, but how long can one live under the same roof with the one they like without saying anything. 4) You Are All Of Me Matsumoto is always getting into fights and Kanehara the student council president is always reprimanding him. Who'd guess these two are going out. 5) Love, My Lover Kouki is always left alone at home when Yukiya goes off traveling for long periods of time. He starts to really question how serious Yukiya is about him and it only intensifies when Kouki finds a pair of womens earings. 6) He Is A Lovely Person Setsu and Kei have been dating for a month. Kei is always doing things for Setsu, it is now time for Kei to be selfish.

Deep Cover

Deep Cover summary: Deep Cover summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Deep Cover. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Fantastic Super Vision

The Fantastic Super Vision summary: It is an ultimate goal and dream for every man to be fully in charge of the power while lying drunk beside a beauty’s knees. There was an ordinary man who had originally led a calm and average life. His life should have been mediocre throughout. However, one day he got a queer stone from an old swindler. Surprisingly, with the help of the stone, he actually possessed the ability to see through things. His whole life was turned upside down overnight. The door to a brand new world was open to him. In the end, having numerous beauties surrounding him, he got caught up in a relationship vortex, a grand scene of fighting over power: Starting from being a mediocre and nameless n.o.body, he overcame all the difficulties on the way and raked in the power, the beauty, and the wealth all in the end. Let’s have a look at how he had the whole city in the palm of his hand, how he lived a glorious life, and how he made himself a legend with just one simple stone.

The Wooden Chair

The Wooden Chair summary: The Wooden Chair summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Wooden Chair. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Eyewitness. summary: Eyewitness. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Eyewitness.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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