




简介只要拥有梦(shen)想(bi)!愿望就一定能成真!一个拥有神笔的少年和他的画作们轻松搞笑的日常!大家要相信,女主会很美的!要耐心呀~!每周双更,暂定周二和周六! 神笔马尚-读者群 573938426








类别悬疑 恐怖 奇幻




简介俗话说,明骚易躲,暗贱难防,宅腐呆萌,各有所长。闷骚小明,猥琐贱哥,女王天姐,腐女甜妹,高富帅晨哥,屌丝男高高,这些人物其实并不虚幻,他们都生活在你的身边。 《小明日记》整天都在搞什么?讽刺时事,饮食男女,苦逼上班族,悲催学生狗,无话不说,无人不黑,无图不撸,无女不护,这就是小明的Style。















内容简介:  一不小心穿成重生文里的渣男亲妹?注定满门抄斩,全家死绝?还非酋附体,出门雷劈?乔乐笑了,别慌,小问题! 那年各路百姓发家致富:“郡主天仙下凡,女神转世,吾等都欲与她有 缘!”也是那年,武林高手层出不穷:“郡主稀世奇才,手眼通天,我等愿追随左右!”还是那年,商贾巨富竞相登门:“仙子殿下,这缘分轮到我们了吗?” 对此,冰山反派妹控世子爷双眼含煞:“你们,想死?” 众人:溜了溜了 可世子爷没想到,他日防夜防,总有小王八蛋难防 …… 君王府小王爷,天昭出了名的小王八蛋。 喝最烈的酒,打最狠的仗,纵最野的马,可谓无法无天。 但某天起,他魔怔了。 君晏:“乐儿钟情于我。” 乔乐:“我没有……” 君晏:“乐儿所做的一切都是为了接近我。” 乔乐:“我真没有……” 作为一个能看到别人机缘,只想疯狂割韭菜保命的非酋女配。 乔乐发现她一不小心用力过猛,给男主割歪了……1w0-1894 >>


内容简介:下本开《万物可爱》《春光沦陷》求收藏顺便求个作收1陆家小公主陆羡鱼是四九城内出名的骄纵跋扈,任谁也入不得她法眼。偏她年少情动,喜欢上一个比她大七岁的男人。男人长相清隽如玉,气质儒雅,连 拒绝她时也是温润知礼:“你还小,不懂什么叫喜欢。”恰逢变故,陆羡鱼被父母送到南城舅舅家。在那儿,她遇见了个少年。少年是学校出名的浪荡二世祖,生就一副好相貌,偏一张嘴不饶人,陆羡鱼每每和他说话都能被气个半死。谢临渊官宣那晚,大雨倾盆,陆羡鱼无助蹲在角落,淋成落汤鸡。直到头顶出现一把伞,陆羡鱼抬眸,看见季北川撑伞站在她面前。少年眸似点漆,直勾勾盯着她:“陆小鱼,你要不和我试试呗?”2剧组再去南城九中采风的那天,谢临渊偶遇陆羡鱼。彼时,少女跟在玩世不恭的少年身侧,两人姿态亲昵,在他面前小心翼翼的漂亮小脸亦是笑容明艳。也是此刻,谢临渊方知他弄丢了什么。再后来季家家变,季北川消失不见,陆羡鱼把自己关在房间不吃不喝三天,出来后不顾父母反对报了海外女团选秀,最后C位出道。陆羡鱼出道的庆功晚宴上,谢临渊为挽回她,精心准备表白。陆羡鱼垂眼,无名指上字母C的纹身落在眸底她冷声拒绝他“谢临渊,我不喜欢你。”3阔别多年后,陆羡鱼和季北川重逢。男人一身挺括橄榄绿军装,眉眼冷戾,唇角痞笑一如当年。他指尖夹着一根烟,黑沉沉的眸肆无忌惮的盯着她“陆小鱼,好久不见。”陆羡鱼一瞬红眼,偏逞强扬起红唇,朝他挑衅一笑“还活着呢?”季北川捻灭手中烟,长臂一伸将她抱在怀中,低头靠近她耳侧,呼吸灼烫。她听见他道“我死了,谁来娶你”明艳带刺小玫瑰×玩世不恭二世祖;顶流花旦×武警中队长前期校园;后期都市别后重逢双向救赎甜文HE高亮:1文无任何原型,谢绝ky代入2男二追妻殡仪馆,男主抱得美人归3双处双初恋,介意女主喜欢过男二的慎入《万物可爱》文案:1说起九中一霸江醒,无人不慨一句:少年桀骜,目比天高。认识他的狐朋狗友却知道,江醒有个宝贝不得了的小青梅。在她面前,桀骜不驯的少年就是只乖巧听话的二哈。高考完后的聚会,冬稚撞见校花跟江醒表白,却被他冷脸拒绝。校花红眼问江醒:“你是不是喜欢冬稚?”江醒还未答话,旁边一众狐朋狗友瞎起哄:“放屁,咱小江爷不过是把冬稚那姑娘当妹妹疼。”门外的冬稚心跳如鼓等着江醒答案,半天不见江醒吱声,她满怀失望离开,未曾听见接下来的话。“放屁,老子明明是把她当媳妇儿在养。”2冬稚决心和江醒拉开距离后,高考填报志愿去了北方。本以为余生再无交集,哪想某次夜自习回寝的路上,她被同系学长表白,对方精心准备的爱心蜡烛却被一盆水浇灭。冬稚抬头,看见少年手拎着空桶靠在树下,姿态懒散,黑眸紧盯着她:“长本事了,背 >>


内容简介:她是二十一世纪的全能天才,却意外重生在京城第一无盐女凤倾城身上,他是世人眼中最平庸废柴的皇子,却有着为人不知的惊天秘密,当无盐女遇上废柴男,当二十一世纪的全能天才PK腹黑狡诈的王爷,他 们会碰撞出怎样的火花?一朝穿越,涅槃重生,斗斗庶母、渣女、渣男,心情好了会一会大把的情敌,偶尔出去过一把名医的瘾……让自己的穿越生活越发的精彩绝伦!只是,怎么回事?她的这位被人称为废柴皇子的王爷夫君,怎么看怎么像是一个腹黑难搞的大灰狼?而且,偏偏吃定了她这个小绵羊!情节虚构,请勿模仿1w0-25442 >>


内容简介:对四要不起的《辅助长得好看有什么用电竞》小说全文免费阅读,最新章节由网友分享提供,更新最全最快,欢迎点击《辅助长得好看有什么用电竞》小说阅读,全文免费阅读《辅助长得好看有什么用电竞》无 弹窗。1w0-83204 >>


内容简介:  你修炼了铁布衫,感觉不足,铁布衫+1  铁布衫升级成铜皮铁骨功,你依旧感觉不足,铜皮铁骨功+1  铜皮铁骨功升级成金刚不坏神功,你继续升级。  升级成了三丈金身,你继续升级,成了不 灭金身。  你的目光注意到了断水三刀,断水三刀+1  升级成了无痕三刀…惊鸿三刀…霸刀…死亡天刀。  你的目光注意到了太极拳,太极拳+1……  升级成了太极拳经……太极玄功……太极阴阳功……太极真经。  你的目光注意到了烈火功,烈火功+1  你成功将烈火功,升级成为太阳真经。  给你一本基础功法,你能打爆星河!  公布一个书友群:773547587  1w0-2714 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:国运:开局性转扮演阿尔托莉雅】国运战争突然降临,吴越被选为了命运之子,获得神级性转扮演系统—在星斗大森林击杀泰坦巨猿——在木叶村阻止佩恩——在柳洞寺阻止吉尔伽 美什—叮咚,系统已开启检测到宿主的身体,已开启神级性转扮演系统选择一:暂时性转一天,扮演阿尔托莉雅潘德拉贡选择二:性转,扮演阿尔托莉雅潘德拉贡“可恶我选一”一阵光芒闪过,阿尔托莉雅登场英梨梨:不好……我喜欢上一个女人了。范马勇次郎:你就是这个世界上最强大的女人川建国:我的祖国有救了贝克汉姆:求你了回去跟我一起踢足球去吧“我靠男变女我tm社保啊”“女神女神”“只有男人才懂男人啊求求你跟我结婚吧”“—e—x—咖喱棒—”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-66797 >>

Halloween Town - Party Time!!

Mad Hatter Scans: Unknown to humans, a separate world, populated with supernatural creatures exists beside the world of humans. Some people of that world live secretly among humans, for various reasons. This manga is about four teenage boys, Minami, Shiro, Tohru, and Takaya, who all have links to the supernatural world. They pretend to live as ordinary humans, but they work part time to help solve the supernatural incidents in the human world!

Diamond Kiss

Takiko was inferior over her look and height. She always envied her best friend Mika who had what it took to capture a guy's heart. One day she meets someone who eventually becomes the love of her life, however she feels envious of other girls because she just a plain jane. From Baka-Updates: Takiko felt inferior over her look and height. She was always envious of her best friend Mika who had what it takes to capture a guy's heart. One day she meets someone who eventually, becomes the love of her life, however her grandparent objected this relationship due to...?

Suki To Itte (Yamakami Riyu)

Iijima is a home tutor and have a student name Daisuke. Iijima just broke up with his girlfriend when Daisuke proposed to Iijima who himself didn't realized his own sexuality.

Matsuru Kami

From Aerandria Scans: Kiichi and Kanoko are brother and sister who have just lost their parents. They move to the deep countryside, to the home of their relatives the Toba family. And who is Toba-sama? A hearth-deity who has been watching over the Toba house for 150 years. He uses abusive language and is very ill-disposed, but he's a softie at heart and has a strong protective side. And this deity names Kiichi for his successor! The life of the two siblings is about to change at 180 degrees! A countryside-life fantasy that will fill your hearts with emotion!

Sweet Justice: The Echo Of Violence

Sweet Justice: The Echo Of Violence summary: Sweet Justice: The Echo Of Violence summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sweet Justice: The Echo Of Violence. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Chief Husband, Too Mensao!

My Chief Husband, Too Mensao! summary: “Ah……painful” Lying on the cold operating table, the girl’s sentimental feelings faded, a mysterious man took her innocence. Meeting again, the mysterious man was actually a black bellied VIP, capturing her home, wanting to spoil her. “Reporting to the Boss, some slag man came looking for the madame.” “Directly bury him alive.” “Reporting to the Boss, some slag lady was jealous that the Mrs. came first in a medical contest, and slapped the lady in the face.” “Her slag face will be broken, send her straight to h.e.l.l on earth to die.” “Reporting to the Boss, the enemy is going to catch your wife and use her as a military doctor.” “Immediately dispatch the armed forces, and bomb the enemy!” “Reporting to the boss, the lady ran away from home, she said to tell the president she wants to give him a child……” “F***, I did not feed her last night! Catch her, the army has seven days and seven nights of holiday, I have business to attend to!”

Spirit Vessel

Spirit Vessel summary: Spirit Vessel takes place in a mysterious world. There are cultivators rebelling against the heavens and beautiful elegant women with endless grace. There are peerless experts reincarnating into the world and formidable ancient beasts. Beneath the earth is the Yellow Springs; above the heavens many saintly palaces float. And there are the seven spirit vessels.
Don’t forget about the heroic man with an indomitable will, Feng Fei Yun. This Demon Phoenix Emperor will take you through a wondrous story with dramatic and gripping tales.
Even if I die to a poisoned rose, I would still choose love.
Translator’s summary:
A demon phoenix cultivator died in the hands of his beloved and was merged with a young master with the same name. Their souls were fused and now, the new Feng Fei Yun is struggling to become stronger and survive in the human world.
Will he meet his lover once again? Will they reconcile even though she is now a G.o.ddess and he a mortal human? And what is the Spirit Vessel that took his soul to this world?
#1 ranked on 17k.com. It is a more subtle narrative with foreshadowing planned by the author which will create some inconsistency and questionable actions at first. Not everything given by the narrative is correct and it is more of a Wuxia in terms of plot.

The CEO's Woman

The CEO's Woman summary: If she could use any three words to describe herself, Jiang Yue would say that she is rich, beautiful, and extremely smart. Unfortunately, she took these for granted in her past life, causing her downfall.
After reincarnating to her fifteen year old self, Jiang Yue wants only three things: to build an empire, spend more time with the people who love her and live a happy life.
In his past life, he was unable to express his love for Jiang Yue.
Now that he has reincarnated, all he wants to do is show Jiang Yue how much he loves her.
If she wants only three things, then he wants only three things: to build an empire for her, to spend more time with her, and live a happy life with her.
Mixed with a little hint of mind-boggling mysteries and secrets, what happens when two reincarnated individuals meet and fall in love?
'Do you believe in reincarnation?' Fu Jin's question instantly made Jiang Yue froze. She remembered how she was the one who asked this question when they first met.
'Of course I do.' She answered. She was the living proof that reincarnation existed. 'Why are you asking that?'
'Well... if I tell you that I reincarnated just to make you mine, would you believe me?' His question immediately gave Jiang Yue gooseb.u.mps.
She did not answer him, instead, she turned around so she could face him.
Their gazes met.
'Then if you were given a chance to reincarnate, would you find me again and make me yours?' She asked.
'Of course.' He answered, as he tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. 'I would find you and wait for you Mrs. Fu. Even if it would have taken million years and million lifetimes.'
Fu Jin's answer instantly made Jiang Yue smile. However, this time, a mysterious light flashed in her eyes.
Maybe, Fu Jin's words were true.
Maybe, he also reincarnated just like her.
And maybe... just maybe, their souls were already connected, long before they reincarnated.
(NOTE: This is a double reincarnation story. Both FL and ML died in their previous lives and reincarnated.)

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