
































内容简介:晚九点日更【预收《虫族之宠坏》,文案放下面啦,求个收藏呀】浑浑噩噩千年的楚尧终是躲不过穿进小说世界打补丁的命运:听说任务简单,可是不做就死。楚尧觉得问题不大,不就是苟一苟么,他在行。结 果上来就捞着一个美貌多金的男朋友,他是不介意吃软饭的,但是楚尧不能让他的心肝宝贝没有安全感。“我获得荣光,本就为了你。”在总裁文里实力派影帝x多金总裁楚尧见色起意,主动端起软饭的碗,让多金总裁无路可走。在替身文里原富二代炮灰受变攻x惨兮兮替身冰山美人黑化受“给过你机会了,宝贝。做替身也情愿?”楚尧漫不经心,对着眼前身子发抖的冰山美人轻挑问道。“我愿意。”心中时刻萦绕着将你据为己有的想法,饮鸩止渴也在所不惜。在权谋文里驸马皇后攻x伪小公主后皇帝受“小公主,你跑什么?”楚尧拦腰一抱拥人入怀,笑问道。怀中帝王眼尾绯红嗓音发颤,色内厉荏叱骂他:“混账!”1、互宠!小甜饼!2、萌雷见文案,应该挺明显的,我太好这一口了!3、我是一只自割腿肉的咕咕精4、预收:《虫族之宠坏》号外号外!元帅家的完美雄虫娶那个毁容少将了!!!有名有姓的家族都对这个决定嗤之以鼻。匿名论坛A:谁不知道是因为元帅不行了,要留住点底牌保护雄子,才给两人定了亲。匿名论坛B:呵,这也就是找了个保镖,不然谁会看上那个丑八怪啊。……就连苏御自己都觉得是这样,面对完美雄子宋安阳的时候,头都抬不起来,只把炽热的目光盯住他的双脚。想着只要雄子愿意,他愿意匍匐在地上亲吻他。宋安阳无奈极了,打小儿守到大的媳妇儿不仅他一觉醒来毁了容,连性格都卑微起来!不行,我要把他宠坏!可爱的基友友的文文《那些种田打脸的日子[快穿]》by漫天星子《小酒精[快穿]》by漫天星子文案:懵里懵懂小酒精受VS偏执深情美强惨攻肖酒是个酒精,不是消毒酒精,而是字面意思,酒成的小妖精。不料刚成精,就天降一系统把他给绑定了,积分要攒满才能回家。而积分需要帮助冤死的人,为他们改变悲惨命运才能获得。为了回家,肖酒吭哧吭哧努力干活攒积分。他不知道悲惨命运到底多悲惨,所以得知任务目标原本的命运线后——肖酒:QAQ,他好可怜系统:没错,所以你要帮助他,保护他,努力改变他原本的命运。肖酒:我会的!(握拳)不久之后——任务目标:酒酒,让我抱抱好不好肖酒(小迟疑):好…好的吧任务目标:酒酒,让我亲亲好不好肖酒(脸红红):好…好的呢任务目标:酒酒,留下来,不要走好不好肖酒(晕乎乎):好…好的呀系统:总感觉哪里怪怪的,哪里不对……懵里懵懂小酒精受VS偏执深情美强惨攻大概会有的世界(后面的顺序不一定,想到再加):第一个世界,惨死校霸的小啤酒第二个世界,战死王爷的小烈酒第三个世界,横 >>


内容简介:山不在高,有仙则名。五仙山海拔仅仅千米,但是却因为仙的传说而成为世外桃源。莫小凡只想过好自己的小日子——修修仙、种种草、养养鸟,奈何树欲静而风不止。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《山里有仙 》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-66294 >>


内容简介:一介凡人,无奈进入江湖随波逐流,为掌控自身的命运不断努力,机缘巧合之下的进入修真界并以追求长生为目标。各位书友要是觉得《天行缘记》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1 w0-31362 >>




内容简介:文案:本文又名《永安县主(重生)》《他们怎么还不死》文案一:京城人一开始只怕安郡王,后来又来了个盛清欢,但都没关系。安郡王幼年中毒,活不过二十岁,等他死了就好了。盛清欢早产体弱,活不过 二十岁,等她死了就好了。京城人等啊等,等到皇帝立安郡王为太子,等到安郡王盛清欢结为夫妇,等到他们儿女双全,子孙满堂也没等到他们咽气。京城人:你们究竟还死不死呀?骗子!文案二:盛清欢明艳动人国色天香,是大长公主的孙女,又是皇上亲封的县主,除了因为早产活不过二十岁以外,盛清欢觉得她人生已经圆满,不想刚进京没多久,就被同母异父的妹妹推进了湖里,一命呜呼。原本以为她要告别人间,一朝重生,手上的戒指竟然能出灵泉,从此养身体,救美男……等等,美男怎么会是比她大四岁,上辈子早逝的安郡王?京城众人:谁让你救的,我们等他死等了十九年,容易吗?盛清欢:安郡王这么乖,一定是京城的人嫉妒安郡王受宠,故意诋毁中毒活不过二十岁的安郡王粲然一笑:清欢,我就知道只有你会心疼我一个自以为是黑心汤圆与一个黑心汤圆成精的恋爱各位书友要是觉得《永安县主(重生)》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79570 >>


内容简介:别人穿越、他也穿越可是说到穿越、百分之九十九点九九的人都是在非自愿的情况下穿了的。可是他高任却不是、他是自愿穿的、还是那种被人逼的走投无路的情况下火急火燎的穿了。高任很低调、更喜欢很颓 废的活着、安逸于毫无上进心碌碌无为的过日子。只要一日三餐粗茶淡饭他就很满足了。然而事与愿违、物极必反。就在那个被高任很自愿穿过去的酷亚大陆却因为他的到来而发生了惊天震地的巨变高任看着从天空中掉下来刚好落在他那二亩三分地菜田里的庞大白色物体,顿时欲哭无泪;“鸟人大哥、你降落就降落、干嘛非落在我田里来啊”就差那么半米远就跑别人田里了、也就和自己无关了。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。1w7485-77220 >>

Witches' Sabbath

A lesbian couple visits a love hotel. For what purpose?

Love Like The Sun

A C81 doujinshi. Includes a cute Christmas related short story and fan art of Kamen Rider Fourze, Kara no Kyoukai and Koukoku no Shugosha.

The Shut-In Vampire Princess’ Worries

Hikikomari Kyuuketsuki no Monmon manga, The Shut-in Vampire Princess' Worries,The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess'Fueh? W-What is it?' When the shut-in girl Terakomari, or Komari for short, woke up from her slumber, she had been appointed as a commander! And if that wasn't enough, the corps she holds responsibility over is known for overthrowing and murdering their superiors! Even though she had been born into a prestigious vampire family, because she can't drink any blood, she possesses close to no athletic or physical abilities, she's rather small for her age, and she can't even use any magic. Met with endless despair, her trusted (?) maid Vill comes to the rescue. 'Please leave it to me, Komari-sama. I will definitely make sure you won't be found out!' Thus begins the comical fantasy portraying Komari's struggles. She's a shut-in, but she can actually do it if she puts her mind to it!? This is an unofficial oneshot to promote the LN

Shitsuren Biyoushitsu

From Midnight Scans: A collection of 5 oneshots: 1) Shitsuren Biyoushitsu She breaks the school's hair code because she wants to be noticed by the teacher. But, her teacher is transferring... 2) Itsuka Suki to Ieru Made Tamao grows her hair in order to look like a decent girl, but...?! 3) Kono Koi wo Mousukoshi Dake Nana and Nene are twin sisters. Nene's always copying Nana, and...?! 4) Kimi Iro Destiny Having red hair was my complex. You told me that it was the red string of fate... 5) Shitsuren Mobius Kirie goes to the Shitsuren Biyoushitsu. That is because of her hopeless love towards her sibling...

Condemning The Heavens

Condemning The Heavens summary: In the continent of Chang’an humans had lived as livestock and slaves to the Primordial Beasts. These beasts were ferocious, bloodthirsty and overwhelmingly powerful, but even so, the humans managed to prevail in the face of despair. As the human race grew stronger the Primordial Beasts fought back with relentless fierceness, rousing beast hordes to engage in frenzied battles over the land. Every single child on the continent was taught martial arts for the sake of fighting these Primordial Beasts, yet many of them were sent straight to their death. In this world filled with constant battle, a young boy was born. This young boy was hoping to become the most outstanding cultivator, but who would have thought that his talent was so poor that he could not even cultivate? As the boy was filled with despair over his unfortunate situation, a life changing event occurred which would forever leave a scar in his mind, pushing him to transcend his limits and grow to become a legend.

Manuscript Screening Boy and Manuscript Submitting Girl

Manuscript Screening Boy and Manuscript Submitting Girl summary: “Just once, I want to make it through the first stage of screening…”
“Please, teach me how to write a novel.”
The ordinary high school boy Sei, is actually a ma.n.u.script screener for a light novel newcomer compet.i.tion. One day, he found the work of his cla.s.smate, Hyosetsu Hyonomiya among the submissions sent for his screening.
The aloof girl known as the ‘Ice Maiden’ actually wrote a light novel with fonts varying in size and onomatopoeic words for a contest! The surprised Sei started giving advice to her work after this unexpected event.
He gently guided Hyosetsu who was hurt by the screening criticism. The world background, character setting, story structure and other issues were progressing smoothly, but…
A bright youthful content creation story begins!

The Rebirth Of An Ill-Fated Consort

The Rebirth Of An Ill-Fated Consort summary: Crying blood and tears, she pledged a poisonous vow. The G.o.ds did not fail her. She was sent back to a decade ago. The legitimate daughter of Jiang family returned from h.e.l.l.
Forget it, whatever! Since they already claimed that she was a temptress that wrecked the country, she shall overturn the world into complete chaos starting with her beguiling sister, her malicious stepmother, her cruel lover and her heartless family. Let her end the lives that Yama refused to end.
She was a p.a.w.n in her past life. In this life, however, the world was her chess board. With an alluring smile and a charming figure that enchanted the entire nation, the red-clothed woman wrecked chaos among the lands. She was a vengeful spirit from h.e.l.l, determined to make those who wronged her pay in blood.
“I want those who owe me a life debt to hold their hearts out in front of me. I want those who looked down on me to only be able to admire me. I want Lord Zhong Zi to shiver when he sees me. I want to step on this splendid river and mountains!”
— — —
“You are a temptress and I am a thief.” His robe was as dark as the night and his gaze was as cold as the Northern Star. “A perfect match.”
Her red dress was akin to fire, but her heart was the coldest ice in the winter.
He was stoic in his black robe, yet he was willing to warm her frozen heart.
In this life, the elegant man seemed like a snowy bamboo grove with tall, chilly mountains, walking step by step towards her like an unstoppable force.
“Ruan Ruan, if you hate the world, then I shall conquer the lands with you.”
“What if I love the world?” She asked.
“I am the world, so you can only love me,” he answered.

The Demon King Seems To Conquer The World

The Demon King Seems To Conquer The World summary: A man drowned and died in the river was born again in a different world when he realized it. The protagonist, who grew up in a cold-hearted family in the previous world, was born into a warm-hearted family. He grew up while enjoying a world that was a bit different from the earth. However, the country where he was born and raised, was about to perished due to internal conflict and foreign threat. He was a decisive someone who was a bit smarter than average, and he brought a story of his own.

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