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内容简介:十六岁那年,苏枝母亲因病去世,葬礼过后,破旧的筒子楼下停一辆豪车。车上下来一人,长相斯文俊美,举手投足矜贵如玉,他说受他母亲所托,会照顾她到大学毕业。男人名叫宋斯年,二十五岁,性情温和 有礼。受他照拂那几年,苏枝不经常能瞧见他。二十一岁,苏枝大学毕业,想进娱乐圈,宋斯年知晓后,跟圈内顶流经纪公司藤蔓的老总吃了顿饭,苏枝便签了进去。之后,绝好资源源源不断递到她跟前。不出一年,苏枝一跃成为藤蔓力捧的当红花旦。圈内人猜测这个身世一清二白,从偏远小城市过来的苏枝是跟藤蔓老总有染,才能资源不断。只有苏枝知道,她如今所有的一切都是宋斯年这个男人送给她的。苏枝很感谢他,但她知晓男人不喜欢她。她也知礼,从不会拿私事去打扰他。二十二岁,苏枝喜欢上了圈内一个顶流,顶流名叫陆思淼。但陆思淼闯了祸,惹了资本圈,面临封杀。苏枝替陆思淼心急,思索许久,她第一次主动给宋斯年发了短信,想让他帮陆思淼度过困境。她不知宋斯年是做什么生意,但她知晓宋斯年在资本圈有绝对的话语权。那条短信发出去后,苏枝并没有等到回复,只是等来了一辆车。宋斯年要见她。那是她第一次进宋斯年的私人别墅,很大很空。宋斯年坐在客厅沙发上,长腿交叠,经过岁月打磨依旧俊美的脸微微隐在黑暗中,他问了她,“苏枝,你今年多大了?”苏枝说,“二十二。”他重复了句她的回答,嗓音很低很低,“二十二岁了,”她觉得他后面还有话,不过她等了许久,还是没等到后半句。很久之后,苏枝被困在车内逼仄的空间内,眼睛通红,承受着男人斯文却不容置喙的亲吻时,她才顿悟当时宋斯年没说完的话。小美人苏枝腹黑男宋斯年娱乐圈沾边。各位书友要是觉得《我的桃花姑娘》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25472 >>


内容简介:【【2019云起华语文学征文大赛】参赛作品】穿成自带锦鲤好运的团宠老幺,成了爹娘手心里的宝贝疙瘩,简直美滋滋!家里穷的叮当响?不怕,她有锦鲤好运,干啥啥挣钱,走路都能被金元宝绊倒!爹娘 包子,极品亲戚欺负?不怕,她有锦鲤好运,谁作妖谁倒霉!重生而来的堂姐想取代她团宠地位?不怕,她有锦鲤好运,天之庇佑!不过……隔壁的那个死对头,怎么看她的眼神越来越不对了?【双洁宠文1v1,虐渣打脸爽炸天】1w0-82730 >>


内容简介:周家村—祖国北方的一个平凡的小山村。村民春种秋收,日出而耕、日落而息,过着朴素自然的农耕生活。这里有绝色的自然美景、种类繁多的物种与资源,这里青山绿水百花娇、蓝天白云鸟儿俏……名字和老 祖宗谐音的周宇无意间得到一个败落的空间,以为得到了一个可以随意移动的仓库而暗喜不已,一度干起了二道贩子的买卖。可是后来他才发现,我嚓!感情是捡了芝麻丢了大西瓜啊!有了神奇空间的帮助,周宇发现自己在家乡如虎添翼。承包山林、开发稀有物种,带领乡亲们走上了致富路。随着空间神奇的变化,周宇不禁感叹:生活啊,你他娘的原来还可以这么逍遥!“管不着天管不着地,管着千八百亩地;天管不着地管不着,山村生活任逍遥。”这就是周宇内心最真实的写照!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《山村生活任逍遥》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-4972 >>


内容简介:  PS:开了新书,《我真是非洲酋长》,请大家移步去看看。****  爱蓝天,爱绿树,更爱波澜浩瀚的大海。  浅海鱼,深海鱼,龙虾还有大海蟹,吃货的世界怎么能少了海鲜?  快艇,游艇, 海钓艇,还有巡航艇,其实豪华游轮才是王道。  家里养着棕熊、白熊和浣熊,渔场还有海豚、白鲸和海獭,神马海狸、黑足雪貂、格陵兰小海豹,我的渔场应有尽有!  没事闲坐钓鱼台,呼朋唤友赌珍珠。  开上游艇逛七海,沉船宝藏我来捞。  大家好,我是秦时鸥,我用笔记录我在加拿大渔场的悠闲生活。  1w0-458 >>



Bad Blood

Special volume of 4 short stories, mostly about Kouji Nanjou's youth: 1) Kouji Nanjou Version 2) Bad Drug 3) Bad Blood 4) Zodiac

Abe Seimei Koikatari

In the Abe Seimei Koikatari series V.1 - Hana no Utage 1. Feast of the Flowers Ming became blind after an unknown illness two years ago. One night, she meets a man in her dreams who restores her sight. She falls in love with him, but how will she find him again? 2. The Girl Among the Moonlilies A princess chases a firefly which leads her to a man. She is so surprised by him that she steps backward and accidentally falls over a cliff, losing her memory. What will happen to her? 3. Moon's Dew; Star's Tears 4. Winter's Bloom V.2 - Hanakanmuri no Hime (The Flower Crown Princess) 1. The Golden Phoenix, the Silver Phoenix A princess longs for a lost love and almost loses her life until a mysterious exorcist opens her heart and mind to the truth and to what has been right in front of her all along. 2. The Hime with the Flower Crown A young princess learns with the help of a mysterious young boy that putting away childish things may ultimately lead to a fulfilling new world and to the fulfilment of her beloved father's wish. 3. Memories of a Flower While trying to solve the mystery behind the ghostly apparition of his beloved princess, a young man learns to ease his own sadness. V.3 - Hanaemi no Otome 1. Hanaemi no Otome A daughter of a high status man is being cursed by Douman, a man with strong spiritual power. Abe Seimei is set to save her. 2. Kaze no Hatsune Story of young Douman's love, and also of how he met Seimei for the first time. 3. Tsukimiya no Maihime V.4 - Hana Akari no Yakusoku

Heart No Ousama

From Aerandria Scans: The king of hearts is the king that captures all girls' hearts. Yui, a teacher at a cram school, is a girl who always helps anyone in trouble. After seeing her neighbor, Sakimoto, collapse on the street, it was only natural for her to nurse him back to health. But when she did, she started to be interested in this somewhat mean guy...?!

Super Robot Taisen Og - The Inspector - Record Of Atx

It's been 6 months since the L5 Campaign, the conflict that pitted humanity vs aliens with the whole earth sphere at stake; even thought at that time humanity joined forces as a whole and fought valiantly for it's survival, now that the true threat is gone the remains from old conflicts that have kept discord among people from even before the aliens arrived have started to resurface and thus the fight is far from over.... The ATX Team, one of teams that probed pivotal in the L5 Campaign have been 'living their usual' being at the mercy of the chain of command and taking part in cleaning up the remainders from the DC war---- but little do they know that again some extraordinary events are brewing up; with the arrival of a strange lady named Lamia Loveless, who seeks help from the team and seems to know more about them than what she should, the path has been set, headed towards a chain of events that might bring forth an even greater conflict that the one from 6 months ago.... Can Kyosuke Nanbu and his team break through all of the opposing forces, yet again?

Daniel Webster for Young Americans

Daniel Webster for Young Americans summary: Daniel Webster for Young Americans summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Daniel Webster for Young Americans. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Smaller History of Greece

A Smaller History of Greece summary: A Smaller History of Greece summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Smaller History of Greece. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

True Vampire

True Vampire summary: Dude is reincarnated with three wishes into a fantasy world cliche I know.

The Bakchesarian Fountain And Other Poems

The Bakchesarian Fountain And Other Poems summary: The Bakchesarian Fountain And Other Poems summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Bakchesarian Fountain And Other Poems. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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